Gone too soon.....

Well, I was looking for a good sitcom to watch and I gave this a chance but it just ended too soon. If they made a few changes and showed it on Fox instead of TVONE? it would have had a better chance to succeed. People are tired of reality TV! I felt the show was making some progress. It started out slow, but I think that's normal. Tatiana could have probably carried the show with her looks but the rest of the characters were just bad. The show wasn't very good but she kept me coming back for more. Her brother really wasn't that funny-every single one of his lines was either a joke or had an over the top type delivery. The gay couple was ridiculous but that's normal when introducing characters. They could definitely tone that down later on. To sum it up, this was bad but I think it showed promise. Despite these major flaws, I saw some positives. Tatiana was hot! They weren't afraid to take risks, such as the when Tatiana and her brother's girl hooked up, or the fact that they had gay characters, but honestly they really were not believable as people. Just when I thought they were beginning to develop the characters, the show got the axe.


Terrible is terrible no matter what network..

It could have stayed on TVone if it was not horrible


They only aired the first 4 episodes as a test to see how well it would do, and if it would get picked up for a season. I had mixed feelings of it myself. The gay characters are a little too much, having 2 really feminine characters is a bit over the top. The brother I thought was funny, the only time I laughed, if you called it that was from something he said. I did see promise with the show because towards the end, they were getting a little better. And it has been picked up by tv one for a full season in the fall, so hopefully they'll work some things out and take people's comments about the show. I still don't wanna give up on this show so I'm looking foward to what they come up with for the fall.


Why in the world did this show got ended too soon while it's twice BETTER WORTH WATCHING than "The Game" ( I hate that show)!!


I thought I was the only one who didn't like 'The Game'!

“Marriage is wild. After you say you do, you don't for a long time."
~John Leguizamo~



I checked out "The Game" because it's all I ever see people talk about on Facebook. I don't know whether BET watered it down, but I found it to be garbage. Of course, me being a black male, I'm not the demographic they want lol.

This show isn't much better. The writing sucks, the acting sucks, and the characters are all heavily recycled sitcom stereotypes. Tiana's the single career woman, her dad's a grown-up Carlton Banks, the ghetto secretary, flamboyant gay couple, idiot brother, etc. At the very least, Phil Morris deserves better.

Oh stewardess...I speak jive.
