How to get away with murder

can we discuss season 3 yet?

I'm not a big fan of how the episode opened to be honest, it felt really climactic. i hate cliff hangers cuz they tend to ruin the narrative flow of a seasons finale. and i hate when they're just brushed under the rug at the next season preimere, cuz it shows it was just done to keep you waiting. hate it. absolutely hate it.

the fact taht we also had a time jump was annoying. normally i love a gap between seasons, but in a show like this it just feels weird to see them on edge, getting so close, and then boom, gone for three months and living their own lives. its unsettling, its jarring.

but after that, it was a pretty solid episode. I loved them using flashbacks to show us what they all got up to over the summer. it still felt like we were missing some important details, like them 'coming down' from the situation as a whole. It felt like the gang never got their moment of relief with 'whew, this mess is over'. but that being said it was great seeing annalise (the thing they all have in common) talk to them all over the summer. she really has become a mother to them, a REAL mother, soft when she needs to be, harsh when she needs to be.

I'm curious what direction this season will go. is it intended to be the last? we'll see.

but all in all great episode.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


The episode 1 cliffhanger amazed me! The rest of the episode was good, the opening 10 minutes kinda made the episode feel slow but an awesome season opener.


howd you feel about episode 2? just watched it and thoguht it was great. right back in the swing of things.

im starting to warm up to the idea of frank being the big bad. he was after all the major reveal at the end of season 1. this bringsi t full circle in that way.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


I'm not sure who started the fire, Possibly Annalise (One of her crazy ideas). I think that Eve may have sneaked into the house without Annalise seeing and got caught in the fire. Annalise did look stunned by the fire so this may not be true.

The whole Frank situation is crazy, If he's behind the fire he did it for a reason, not to hurt Annalise but to help her.He seems genuinely sorry. The person under the sheet may have known to much, Possibly Bonnie.

Honestly, I'm just glad that oliver has made it! This show is crazy!
