Amazing Spencer theory
shareOk I can see some points to make it look like Spencer was "A" but I also see some red herrings whereas there are just as many clues if not more of Melissa being "A". But the biggest whole in this theory is, why and who shot Spencer if she is A.
shareBut the biggest whole in this theory is, why and who shot Spencer if she is A.AC-COM-PLICE.
It's a good theory and interesting to read, and I also think the Mary Queen of Scots-costume is relevant somehow. I have some points though:
First of all, the fact that A has to be super clever and have everything under control: how is Lucas included but not Melissa? I feel like Melissa was left out a lot of this theory.
Second, this: "Another thing that proves that’s she’s adopted is that she said that Hide & Seek was her favorite childhood game with Melissa because she always won but Melissa doesn’t remember. She must’ve been playing with someone at Radley."
This, I think, got a bit mixed up. Spencer tells the other liars that hide & seek was her favorite game with Melissa; Melissa is not there to respond. Spencer does on the other hand talk to Melissa about a time when they were kids and another girl bullied Spencer, and Melissa beat this girl to protect Spencer. This is what Melissa says she doesn't remember, which could either be a lie (referring to the beginning of the text "Never trust ANYONE on the show" - why are we suddenly trusting Melissa?), or she doesn't remember, or maybe it didn't happen, or maybe, which I'm going with, she pretends not to remember because she's still covering up the fact that she buried someone to protect Spencer.
Also, sorry, but things like "This can NOT be CeCe because as far as we know “A” didn’t have a reason to go to see an eye doctor." What? Since when does A need a reason for anything, except being A? I really do not see how that excludes anything or anyone. In parts it's such a well worked out theory that stuff like that just seems lazy.
I do agree with the Basic Instinct alibi stuff and I'm thinking maybe Spencer did kill Cece? As for her acting suspicious about Ali's disappearance, she actually thought that she did hurt her. That doesn't mean that she couldn't have been planning it, of course.
Awesome on finding some of the holes!!
shareI would love it if one of the girls ends up being AD but what would their motives be to torturing the other 3? A (Mona) hated Alison and her friends, okay. Why would any of the girls want to be AD and continue to torture the rest of the girls, including themselves. They'd have NO motive.
shareEmily probably? all the rest of the girls went on to have good careers whereas emily didnt amount to anything from her time away, jealousy is the only reason i could see one of the 4 been AD
'your not a monster, your a werewolf, like me'
Rude. Just because Emily struggled doesn't mean she didn't accomplish anything. She was dealing with her fathers death, the breakup of a major relationship, etc. it's not like she chose to be lazy or go live on welfare.
shareThey'd have NO motive.That's how I felt about all the Scream killers before they were revealed. share
And maybe Spencer knew all along she as a Drake and A.D. just means A Drake? I would love for a liar to be behind it, but I doubt it. I believe IMK will have the ending be a love fest between ships and a happily ever after. But I hope not