Brilliant Melissa theory


I've suspected Melissa since season 1 and I love this video. I would love for them to reveal that Cece was lying in 6x10 and that she was working with Melissa the whole time. It never made sense that Melissa was talking to Cece the night Alison disappeared and accidentally buried Bethany who happened to be Cece's enemy. I think Cece and Melissa both agreed to kill Alison that night and when Bethany showed up they killed her too. It's all too convenient. I think Melissa cares about Spencer to a degree depending on their plans and Spencer's determination. When she's at her weakest then Melissa responds better to her. When she's asking too many questions then she's the enemy who needs to be put in her place. She let the police and her parents believe that Spencer killed Bethany. She also filmed the confession on purpose so A could take it. She never seemed shocked that Spencer and Ian dated because she already knew. I am expecting the show to reveal that Lucas is A but I want it to be Melissa and I think they recruited Wren to help. I think she got Cece to forge a connection with him so he wouldn't suspect her. I also think she killed Cece because she told Wren the truth.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon childrenĀ 


I am expecting the show to reveal that Lucas is A
God, that's what I think, too. But if Lucas is revealed as A, I might have to check into Welby. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Omg i love this im really holding my thumb that its either melissa,wren or mona.


I agree with Wren and Melissa. Mona being A again would irritate me, though.


That would send me over the edge lol and it would disappoint most of the fanbase.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon childrenĀ 


That would be really terrible. But the final seasons seem to be mirroring the first 2, unfortunately. I hope Marlene is smarter than that lol
