What do you guys think...

What do you guys think was the first thing that "ruined" the show? For me I think it was the time jump. There were a lot of things before that that were ridiculous but that for me just kind of ended the original show. I feel like since then we've been watching a different one completely. Though I'm still sad to see it go.


The Ezra Big A fake out. Him being A would've been amazing and actually made hella sense. But idk if that was where I realized it wasn't the way I felt it 'should be'. I think just the boring Season 5 we had was really the beginning show's downfall and it only got worse with the disappointing Season 6. Here's to hoping Season 7 overall will make it all better. If possible.


Oh yes I forgot about the Ezra A fake out. He played creepy so well. It would have messed Aria up so bad which is sad but would have been great for the show lol. Ugh, I still cringe that he was a creepy teen girl stalker for his book... and the fact that Aria might be marrying a creepy teen girl stalker.


From "A Dangerous Game" with the Toby copout, Spencer forgiving and sleeping with him in a heartbeat, Mona working with someone she doesn't know, Shana being the one who met with Jenna from the last season finale even though it was clearly a caucasian male.


Oh geez the whole Shana thing was stupid. I forgot about that too 😂


I agree. A dangerous game as a whole was kind of letting us know the end was nigh.

I was going to consider the 'nate' arc, but i wouldnt quite say that ruined the show. it was a clear indicator that they'd run out of cohesive ideas though, but it could have been a sopmore slump while they prepared for something real.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Indeed. The Nate arc was a sign that the filler was declining but the fake Toby reveal truly disappointed me. Then we suffered through the Ezra copout, Alison being alive, and Ravenswood.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


Making Alison alive and bringing her back ruined the show for me.


Nothing ruined the show for me; I still really like the show. Though I must say, a few things about the show can be a bit disappointing...

Mainly, I feel like the show just doesn't really add up. There are SO many lose ends from EVERY season... They never really finish a storyline, they just keep jumping from one thing to the next, without fully explaining what happened before.

And the contradictions (like the age of certain characters)
And blurry timelines...
And occasionally they add some supernatural things...
And I HATE how certain characters (all of them?) change drastically back and forth (could give many examples, look at any of the major ships, all of them just go around in circles).

But I love the characters, and keep watching because I still want to know what happens next.


Season 4 killed it. They dropped the ball with the s3 finale but had a chance to fix things. They failed. It was a total mess from "Let's never acknowledge that what Toby did was totally messed up." to "EZRA IS A HAHAHA JUST KIDDING" and then the "You know the murder you've been trying to solve? Yeah, never happened. K thx bye.", it torpedoed the show and it never recovered.

The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters.




Aria forgiving Ezra for stalking and using her terrible experiences to write a book.

The time jump

CeCe being A
