MovieChat Forums > Pretty Little Liars (2010) Discussion > Better second season? Pretty Little Liar...

Better second season? Pretty Little Liars vs Scream

Both of these shows finally stepped up in terms of darkness and quality in their 2nd season but which had a better:

-Better reveal: MonA or Kieran
-Better main cast acting in their 2nd season
-Better filler episodes
-Better storylines


Pretty Little Liars for all those categories. Season 2 is PLL's best season. The mystery of A, Ali's killer, and NAT club is more interesting than the Brandon James story, Emma's connection to the barn, Audrey's secret. All the actresses especially Troian dominates all the Scream actors combine. I was surprised by the Mona reveal even though it was straight from the books. I knew Kieran was the killer. Scream has less filler episodes but they were boring. The Halloween ep of Scream was a snooze fest while the "First Secret" is one of the best PLL episodes. Season 2 of Scream is a huge improvement over season 1 but remains inferior to PLL season 2 for me.


Same. Season 2 is PLL's best season. Scream had boring filler episodes including the Halloween Special whereas PLL's Halloween Special still moved the story along by giving us more insight on Ali.


its hard to say. season 2 was probably the best season of PLL there was. it wasw also the best season of scream...

as far as the mystery goes i think PLL did better. it was just the continuation of the earlier mystery, whereas Scream's was kind of the 'sequel' to the original mystery and had trouble gaining traction in that regard. what held the season together was just its character development.

as for better filler episodes, a tough one. PLLs were soft and fun and adventurous. Screams were more actiony, dramatic, and insane. btoh were very good for entirely different reasons. I think if i had to choose maybe PLL would win this.

as for the reveal, i think im going to side with scream. it was better than PLLs but that isn't saying very much. namely because we just got 'lied' to by marlene about Mona being -A and then having her be -A was a let down. both reveals didn't tie in fundamental aspects of the mystery (the NAT club, and wtf happened at that barn/brandon james in general) leaving them for future seasons. screams killer was meh in every aspect, and pretty predictable, and not super cohesive.

as for the best storylines, this is where i begin to take SCream's side. even in the finale, its a big deal. The PLL finale of season 2 was anti climactic as *beep*. Mona was revealed cuz gum and no other reason really. it had nothing to do with what the girls had been going through the last two seasons, and everything building up to it felt pointless. On the other hand, Scream's entire focus was on Emma and Audreys relationship, trying to understand if they are 'killers' for what they did, and of course dealing with PTSD, and it all tied together. even if kiren was a *beep* reveal the characters achieved something magnificent. in PLL the characters dont, they are ALWAYS the victim of circumstance, even when it works out in their favor, its rarely ever through their own will.

the subplots in earlier episodes in PLL were good, but i dont think its as good as the arc building that scream did in season 2. because even back in season 1 and 2, we never really got payoffs for most of the plots, they would just fade out. back then we were still expecting them to come back to be finished but they never did.

its hard to say that scream has filler. even if they are stretching some plots out you dont get to the end of an episode and feel its wasted like you do with a LOT of pll. the main difference between these shows is that PLL fills its free time with drama. Scream fills it with growth/development. PLL is the kind of show where someone is killed because its dramatic, but because it was done for drama it has literally no effect on the plot (Garret for instance, or Ian as another example). whereas on Scream characters are killed in order to help others achieve their arc (like zoey dying for Noah to realize that he needs to keep being a creepy little nerd, otherwise any love he does fine will be artificial).

acting would go to PLL hands down. the scream actors aren't awful, but they are not super talented. this is kind of their 'learning' show for all of them, whereas the actresses on PLL had their 'learning' projects before hand.

all in all season 2 is a super enjoyable experience for BOTH shows, so its hard for me to pick. I feel if you include the halloween special, SCream wins for me in terms of general enjoyability simply because the way it ends Emma's arc and self actualization wraps things up pretty nicely, whereas PLL's second season feels like a show that ended wtih no meaningful closure, not from its reveals, and definitely not from its characters.

but as far as the episodes leading up to finale / halloween special goes, pll is just as enjoyable tbh.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?
