Troian On Last 10 Episodes

I'm hoping she's not blowing a whole bunch of smoke.

"I’ve made it my business to know a lot over 7 years. So when I found out, it was an overwhelming feeling of excitement and satisfaction"
— Troian on finding out who Uber -A is

"We have done our best to wrap up all the mysteries on the show, while maintaining a lot of new, fun, exciting things to deliver that fans won’t expect. I do believe everybody is going to be blown away by the end of this whole story."
— Troian on the final 10 episodes of PLL

"Well, Spencer got shot. She’s got a lot to deal with. It’s not exactly the best physical situation. She’s going to be dealing with a lot of health issues. We still don’t know the state of her health when we pick up. Then beyond that, if she does come back from getting shot, in the heart or around the heart, she’s got a lot to deal with with her family. She’s got a lot to figure out."
— Troian on Spencer in 7B

"They are amazing. Filming them was probably the most different experience that I’ve ever had on Pretty Little Liars because when we were filming them we began to truly understand that we would be saying goodbye. We really poured our heart and soul into it because we knew it would be the last time. I think it’s something that the fans are going to see a difference in and they are going to understand."
— Troian on the last 10 episodes

Peace, Love, and Soul 


Considering this is coming from Trorian who has been the only one from the show to express her honest opinions and not beat around the bush with the fans. I buy what she's saying


you have to rememebr that at the 6A finale she also commented on how they really do seem to answer everything, and that was dead wrong (though she didn't sound as enthusiastic as she does here (though that may also be because of the 'goodbye' feels shes experiencing)).

you also have to remember she wasnt lying per se at the 6A finale, she was just not really in the loop on what hte issues were. the actors see every episode in a different way than us. they are experiencing it, but they dont see all the backgroudn details and commit all of the stuff to memory that we do. they also dont have the rest of imdb to rely on and talk about what should and shouldn't be important.

in the various actors' minds revealing redcoat, black veil, -A and a couple murders seems to answer all the questions.

so i wouldn't quite trust that they do answer it all. there has to be stuff that Troian doesn't remember.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?



Interesting. I wonder if this will differ from her opinion once the show is completely done. I would imagine that it would be satisfying for her given the journey she was on as an actress. Like bobcat mentioned she may have forgotten some plot points as well. I'm interested to see what they come up with for 7B. I've been let down and surprised this year by television so I'm cautiously optimistic.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


I've been let down and surprised this year by television so I'm cautiously optimistic.

 The truest statement of December 2016 lol

Peace, Love, and Soul 


2016 has bombed. Brexit and Trump and don't even get me started on my dating life...... LOL!

"When Life Gives You Lemons"

Ezra: write a book about the lemons
