Who pushed the girl...
Down the stairs in the frat party shown in season 1? Was it ever explicitly said? Re-watching and I still can't work out whether it was Ian, Charlotte, Noel or Alison.
shareDown the stairs in the frat party shown in season 1? Was it ever explicitly said? Re-watching and I still can't work out whether it was Ian, Charlotte, Noel or Alison.
shareOfficially it was Noel, according to a dream Hanna had (???). I guess Ali must have told them off-screen or something.
I don't think that makes any sense, though. Noel wasn't even at that party, as far as we saw. And why would he push that girl?! It makes the most sense for it to be Ali.
oh god i forgot they brought this up then dropped it.
what the *beep* is going on with this show.
*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?
Unless I'm remembering it totally wrong, I think Noel was at that party... Wasn't it the same party where he chewed Ali out for ruining things between him and his girlfriend, and Ali later said that she did it to free him up for Aria since Aria had a crush on Noel...
I've got nothing against God, it's his fanclub I can't stand
No, that was just a random high school party at someone's house. This was the frat party where some guy was trying to hit on Emily and Hanna's fake ID was really a picture of her mother.
shareThanks for the correction. But it doesn't really contradict that Noel was the one that pushed the girl down the stairs. None of the liars seemed surprised, or contradicted Hanna, when she told that story.
I've got nothing against God, it's his fanclub I can't stand
No, and obviously he could have been there and we just didn't see him.
It just doesn't make any sense. Why would he do that? Just a fit of rage? He had no motive whatsoever.
I assume, again, that Ali told the girls that offscreen at some point over the years, so that was why no one looked surprised. I doubt they're going in this direction, but she always could have lied, especially if she was actually the one who did it.
Why would he do that? Just a fit of rage? He had no motive whatsoever.
Do we know that Noel's parents were paying off the girl? Or was that just something that Ali said? I remember something about Noel's father but I can't remember if it had anything to do with that.
Ali definitely had something on Noel in season five. I'm just not sure I truly believe that was it, especially if his parents were already paying her to keep quiet...
True that we don't know for sure that Noel's parents paid her, or that pushing her was the thing that Ali had on him, but I don't see what else it could be. At least not with the information we have at this point...
I've got nothing against God, it's his fanclub I can't stand
Omg I forgot about that horrible dream copout. The writers are the worst.
The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters.
Noel but they brought it up in Hanna's dream and then they didn't discuss it again so we just have to accept it as the truth. Even when Hanna says this to the other PLLs, no one questions it as if it was discussed which I find absolutely ridiculous. Once again the fans were cheated.
"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon childrenĀ
I agree that it's terrible but I guess it kind of gives validation of "Noel's secret" storyline that he'd been keeping for seasons (that Alison was blackmailing him for). So maybe we kinda got closure? Lol