The books

I'm only on book 3 at the moment but my god these girls are not even remotely likeable, especially Spencer. I just want to punch Spencer in the face. She full on stole Wren AND had sex with him. Ridiculous.


I mean, she didn't steal him...he was a grown man who made the choice to cheat on his fiancee with her sixteen year old little sister. Even though Spencer was more aggressive about it in the books than in the show, she's not at fault.

But I agree with you generally. The girls are definitely not as likable in the books, especially, imo, Hanna and Aria. I just finished the series myself and really enjoyed it, but Hanna's whiny and selfish most of the time, and Aria's disdain of anyone she considers a "typical Rosewood" is really pretentious. Emily is the only one who really comes across well.


Which is ironic because she is my least favourite liar.

The events of the books so far are just weird. Aria calling her parents by their first names. The girls not even really being close friends. All of them smoking and stealing etc. The only thing I like of what I hear is the fact Ezra actually gets what he deserves for dating a student.

It's not that I'm not enjoying the books, I am. It's just I can't even associate them with the show. They are so different.


I've only read the first one but even with just that one I couldn't help but think the same thing. The girls are so unlikable.

Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained. The end.
