The timeline
So, I'm new to the show (discovered it on Netflix and binged it over December). But as I got towards the A reveal it occurred to me that the timeline for seasons 3-5 not only take place in one year, but the bulk of it (from 'that night' in the graveyard to Mona's 'death') all take place between labor day and Thanksgiving. That's absolutely ridiculous. Especially since they went to the trouble of putting in a Halloween episode in S3. It makes it look like everything that happened between the Halloween train and Mona's death happened in what? A month?
Does anyone else think it would've been better if they'd made Alison go missing the weekend before they started their freshman year, had her missing for the 9th grade and spread this stuff out over 3 years? Have Mona's A tenure being grade 10, the return of A/the Maya stuff/redcoat being 11th grade and the return of Alison being their senior year?