Lucy Hale On Dark Aria

“The last few episodes for Aria were my favorites of the whole series because she becomes a little dark.” “She loses it a little bit, and we get to see a different side of her, which I’ve been waiting to do that for the whole series. It was fun, as an actress, to play. Since we knew it was the last season, the writers made every episode an extreme amount of fun. Just in general, we had a lot of good times with it.”

I've been waiting for this since forever. Lucy truly shines outside of her Ezria's scenes.


Same. she was on top of her acting game in the 3 episode arc in season 4 where she finds out Ezra wrote the book on Alison


I loved Aria in 4B. Aria trashing Ezra's place is one of my favorite scenes.



Aria really kicked ass in 7A.. Can't wait to see how she is in the new season.


I find it funny how Lucy waited 7 season for Aria to become a better character.


To be fair, there were interesting elements to Aria when she got a break from Ezra. The storyline with her keeping her father's secret was interesting because she was conflicted and it was relatable. The storyline with Mike's mental illness was also good because it was another instance to show that Aria actually cares about people. Too bad that apart from that most of her screentime goes to being a wish fulfillment giving young girls unrealistic expectations about being an artist and about having relationships with older people.


Lucy probably had little to no control over how interesting her character got to be.

The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters.
