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Bates Motel final season premiere date announced

Bates Motel premieres February 20th this year at 9pm. It's about a month earlier than usual but this news is so heartbreaking for me. I love this show so much and I'm thrilled and sad to see how it ends.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


I am pumppppped. I have it sitting on my netflix waiting for me to start my marathon so i can rewatch everything leading up to the finale. its pretty heart breaking.

honestly i prefer shows that end early but if they had just copy pasted season 3 and 4 over and over again, they could have stretched this out. just watching the slow descent into psychosis was a beautiful thing.

still im glad its not getting the chance to slip and hurt itself. hopefully season 5 is great, and if not season 4 works as a good contingency ending.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Same. This show is so brilliant and underrated. I remember when I found out they were doing five seasons to end the show on the perfect note and I was so happy because finally the writers and the network understood that quality is key not quantity. Now that it's here I'm definitely sad that this show ending but I'm anxious in a good way about the coming 10 episodes. This is the one show that hasn't disappointed me so I know the last season will be fantastic.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


the closest this show has done to dissappointing me was a not so stellar season 2. after that they talked to the studio adn they agreed five should be what they were aiming for and not stretch it out, so everything since then has been great.

its itneresting cuz if studios at least gave a 'goal' for number of seasons writers could have a much easier time planning arcs. even if things change later and you have to wrap it up sooner, its better than mindlessly stretching and adding filler to try and figure out how fast / slow your real plans should go.

im looking forward to this season. im nervous about the ending, but regardless of what happens it has been beautiful

the whole show has such a nostalgic element, capturing the beauty of the original psycho while safely bringing it into a new age.

im gonna be sad when there's no more freddie highmore in my life.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Agreed about season 2. When I was watching live most of my expressions were -_- or ....... they didn't have the balance right for the subplots and it got a little confusing and boring. I tend to love five seasons for drama shows. Some may need less but generally five seasons work for me. Buffy is a good example. I love the whole show of course and I can find something great about even the worst episode but ending it in five seasons would've been perfect. The whole cast is amazing and I'm a huge fan of both Freddie and Vera. They were truly born to act.

the whole show has such a nostalgic element, capturing the beauty of the original psycho while safely bringing it into a new age.

I love this sentence so much. I adore the atmosphere of this show! I've been sick since New Years(the flu) and now I'm wanting to rewatch BM from the beginning.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


im tryna hold out just long enough so that by the time i get through my marathon ill be able to marathon the new episodes and hopefully time it well enough for the finale.

it really is underrated like you said, its a shame that more people just don't know about it.

i agree about 5 seasons, imo 5 or 3 is all thats needed to tell a story. Buffy probably would have been more cohesive with 5 seasons and its finale would have been a great ending point but i also cannot live with out the season 7 finale. it means so much to me so i am glad it happened despite season 6 and especially season 7 having some really awful episodes.

but i digress. im a little sad that this is ending the same year that orphan black is ending. same format, 5 seasons, 10 episodes, airs around the same time too. its unfortunate that so many good shows are ending, but at least they are ending on purpose and in a timely fashion. i hope this bodes well for future shows. if more shows were run like these two id be more inclined to invest in new programming.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Indeed the series finale of Buffy makes me cry every single time. It's the best way to end the show and Buffy's journey. Obviously she's not a real person but I know that Buffy's okay you know lol because she gets to live her life for the first time in so long.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


both endings are so good its hard to know which i prefer. if they had timed things differently perhaps both could have been used. just seeing her empower all those slayers just gets me pumped every single time.

I love the season 8 comic but i like to disregard it and pretend she had something closer to a happily ever after.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?
