List of Spoilers for 7B
Found this on another website, I know some of them have already been talked about on here but a few I don't remember anyone mentioning.
There will be a 1yr time jump at the end of 7b
There will be a musical dance sequence
We will see the scene from Ali's classroom in 7×19 and it's a part of Ali's storyline
The couples that are meant to be together will be
7b is about a board game created by A.D. and the liars will be forced to play
They humanize everyone,including Ali. We will see why she acted the way she did.
We will find out more about the Dilaurentises
Wren will be back in 7×15 and he is a part of the final twist
Torrey will be back
We will learn who Charlotte's father is
We will learn how Spencer came to be
We will meet a relative of Maya
There will be more than 1 wedding
One person is the master but has puppets
We will see Vanessa Ray
Ali's pregnancy is not average
Jenna is working with A.D. but doesn't know their identity..others are as well
Jenna's last scene is her on a white horse
The reveal of A.D. is very different in many ways than other A reveals..
The A.D. reveal is both heartbreaking and surprising
A.D. is related to one of the liars