List of Spoilers for 7B

Found this on another website, I know some of them have already been talked about on here but a few I don't remember anyone mentioning.

There will be a 1yr time jump at the end of 7b

There will be a musical dance sequence

We will see the scene from Ali's classroom in 7×19 and it's a part of Ali's storyline

The couples that are meant to be together will be

7b is about a board game created by A.D. and the liars will be forced to play

They humanize everyone,including Ali. We will see why she acted the way she did.

We will find out more about the Dilaurentises

Wren will be back in 7×15 and he is a part of the final twist

Torrey will be back

We will learn who Charlotte's father is

We will learn how Spencer came to be

We will meet a relative of Maya

There will be more than 1 wedding

One person is the master but has puppets

We will see Vanessa Ray

Ali's pregnancy is not average

Jenna is working with A.D. but doesn't know their identity..others are as well

Jenna's last scene is her on a white horse

The reveal of A.D. is very different in many ways than other A reveals..

The A.D. reveal is both heartbreaking and surprising

A.D. is related to one of the liars


Ali's pregnancy is not average

I think Ali's gonna be pregnant but the baby will be Emily's. Em donated her eggs and then they were stolen, and when Ali was at the mental home, Uber A could have implanted those eggs in Ali


A.D. is related to one of the liars

Spencer's twin?


A.D. is related to one of the liars

Where did you find this one? I don't remember this being spoiled, and that's kind of a big deal.


"She has divulged further information about the villain in a recent interview with TV Line and revealed that the Big Bad is related to one of the liars. "By the end of [Season] 6B, you will pretty much know who or who's related to this big bad," King teased."

Even if we didn't really learn that fully she has still said a few times now that Uber A is related to the liars, I am not sure what she means by this and she tends to twist things that she says later on.


Yeah they have a way of revealing secret family members on this show regularly so I have a person that I really want to be Uber A but they may twist everything around so my suspect won't actually be related to one of the PLLs. 6B didn't give us anything.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


I truly hope Melissa is Uber A from these spoilers.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


The last one is interesting to me especially because Marlene revealed it. That seems kind of specific until you think about the word. She said "related" which means have a relationship, not neccesarily family. We know Marlene likes to play with words during interviews. I think she wants people to think it is a spencer twin or Melissa which is why I think it isnt.


Ali's pregnancy is not average

Did someone order some aaaaygs?
