Marlene VS Trump
Okay. Here's the think. Up front and honest I'm Canadian. So I've been watching this time bomb happen from a safer lands the last few months. But Marlene is driving me insane.
She is a very open lesbian. I totally get the hate for trump. Hell I hate him and I'm lucky enough to have an amazing prime minister. However, the tweets lately have been a bit much. Especially for someone who is trying to desperately get people to tune into her new show.
Saying she essentially hates trump voters and that they live on a different planet, never to be forgiven ? As someone who says PLL fans need to be open minded, accept couples and situations that they may not be comfortable with and here she is spewing hate.
I guarantee some people were uncomfortable with the Emily/ Paige/ Ali situation. And even more we're upset with the charlotte storyline. And yet to Marlene, people who didn't like these storylines were homophobic, transphobic etc. These people needed to open their minds and accept others live style choices.
Kinda hypocritical, no ?