OT: Millenial hate

is anyone getting tired of this *beep* I hear it everywhere and tend to brush it off, but recently i had an experience that bugged me.

my boss' birthday is on christmas so i was at his place for a small get together. im the youngest guy there, only one under 50, let alone the only millenial, and of course millenials come up and they talk about how there's this big gap of millenials who simply dont learn how to drive / are too afraid to.

sounds weird to me cuz outside of the city I've never met an adult millenial who can't drive, and even in the city most everyone i know CAN drive they just don't because of public transportation.

my boss whispers with me three feet away, as if i cant hear him saying 'He can't drive either'. the fact that he just assumed this about me was incredibly insulting. I can drive, I drove for years without any problem before moving to los angeles, and even in los angeles have driven friend's vehicles without any issue. then when asked if im licensed, i noted that my license has expired and they all acted like that proves i cant drive. I was literally in the process of renewing my license at the time so this bugged me further. then after more insistence my boss asked if i could drive stick, i said no, i never learned, so then he said 'then you can't drive' and acted like that settled the matter.

at that point i had enough and said 'the reason i dont drive is becuase you don't pay me enough to own a car, i only bring home 1500 a month'.

i think this upset him to be honest because just that morning he actually cried that morning about not being able to give me as big a christmas bonus as he wanted, and i of course felt bad because of it because even with 1500 a month im able to live pretty well in the city, i just literally couldn't afford a car.

all in all it just bugs me that one of the people im closest to in the world was treating me like i was incapable just because i was a millenial. I literally run his business. i turned it from something that was hemorrhaging money every month to something that is now pulling a profit.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


I think all this generational segregating (for lack of a better word) is stupid as a whole. People are ALWAYS going to find reasons to find fault with the "latest" generations. If it wasn't driving, it'd be something else.

I do understand your annoyance though, even though I AM an adult who can't drive. I'm phobic and have panic attacks behind the wheel. And no means to afford the therapy to curb that problem so yay. I don't think it has anything to do with my millennial status. I think I'm just an anxious person and unfortunately that applies to driving a car.

The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters.


I really don't understand the big deal. People are so wrapped up in the flaws of Millenials that they exaggerate the good qualities of previous generations and minimize issues facing adults today. As far as driving is concerned, some people are too anxious and some people genuinely don't need to. I don't have my own car because I'm not working and there's no way I could afford it. When I get a job and save money then I'll look into it. Your boss was being catty and immature. I'm not sure why he felt the need to start a fight over something so trivial and as you said it was completely untrue. Is he going through something in his life that caused him to lash out at you? Or maybe he's just guilty about his inability to provide you with a Christmas bonus and lashed out. You're clearly very good at your job and I hope he appreciates you.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


he appreciates me for sure, and he did give me a bonus just not as big a one as he had hoped, and considering how hard december was for us knowing he wokred hard to save the extra money to give me means a lot.

we get a long and i love him to death, it was a bad spat but i think most of it was him trying not to waiver in front of his friends. we've all been there, but i need to talk to him about it i think.

i just get tired of the millenial hate. they act like previous generations were all the same or even just godo when each generation has been plagued with all sorts of problems.

our generation has to deal with starting salaries being hte same as 1998 but the cost of living having tripled. most people i know are working two jobs just to support themselves and i have to make my self live off of 1500 a month (something most previous generations are shocked about when they find out).

were by no means perfect, but were legitimately not any different from any generation before us.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


People are just too judgmental without knowing the facts. I understand this a lot because older people are always telling me or my friends that getting a job is easy and we just don't understand it. Yeah 30 years ago you could get your degree and automatically get a job but things are different. Every generation has its flaws and we just have to do the best we can in our environment and economy. We would better off if we chose to uplift people and send out kind thoughts.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


Yeah 30 years ago you could get your degree and automatically get a job but things are different.

Pretty much. Even a high school diploma used to mean something 30 years ago. Standards have gotten higher since.

So what else is new?


People that complain about entitled youths are the same people that paved the way and raised them.


So true. I couldn't have said it better myself!

.:Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth:.


I totally agree. I often hear that "today's kid's don't show respect." Well, who's raising today's kids? Toady's parents.

Like how a single word
Can make a heart open.
This is my fight song.



I know this was an old post, but I’m just going to post a belated response about this subject anyways. This phenomenon bugs me too.

That’s just ignorance for you. The worst part about those millennial shades is how the so-called Baby Boomers and Gen Xs seem to have ‘today’s kids’ confused with ‘today’s adults in their 20s to mid-30s’. Most today’s kids are in their teens and should be called Gen Zs, or whatever unofficial generation name they want to go by (there’s more than one interchangeable name for them). A 15 year old should NOT be called a millennial. Unless the older generations tend to confused the name ‘millennials’ for Gen Zs a lot...

Sometimes us actual millennials aren’t being taken seriously for the moment due to our age. They tend to view us as ‘inexperience’ at times regardless of our actual experiences and education. My older siblings also went through something similar to this at their workplaces among most 40+ year olds. My older brother is just about 2-3 years shy from being a Gen X thus making him one of the oldest millennials, so to speak. Maybe some older generations just kind of envy us in a way, since we have more access to technology growing up and are prone to be more tech savvy compare to them.

Then again, this phase will pass on by. We’ll eventually do the same thing to the Gen Zs soon and those Gen Zs will eventually do the same towards the younger generation following them. And once upon a time, of course, the Baby Boomers and Gen Xs had also gone through the same thing by older Generations. Like the high school juniors and seniors picking on the freshmen.

So what else is new?
