Hanna's dad is a d**k. He's willing to completely pay to send his step daughter, who he has only known for a few years, to an Ivy League college, but can't give any money to Hanna? Why can't Isobel (Kate's mom) give any money to pay for her own daughter to go to school, like she would have done if she didn't marry Tom, then Tom would be able to help out his daughter too. Maybe if Hanna's dad had actually taken the time to talk to his daughter, he would know that she wanted to go to college, and then took all the money he was going to give to Kate and split it between the 2 girls. Not completely pay for one girl and now give a dime to the other.
Yes, Hanna could have told her dad she wanted to go to college, but why should it just be Hanna to get a job and a loan, why can't Kate do that too? They both get an equal amount of money and they both get a job, that would be fair
Tom doesn't care and he doesn't love Hanna. His ability to parent is strictly tied to his opportunity to be a husband/sexual partner. When Ashely turned him down, he ran back to Isabel and decided to marry her so that led to him taking care of Kate. Ashley was an idiot to not get child support and alimony something the show never discusses. Hanna not taking the extra precaution can be explained by her age but Ashley knew better than to keep a massive house she couldn't afford and she knew that Hanna would be going to college at some point. The problem is Tom and Ashley both act like teenagers raising another teenager. Tom's a piece of trash "adult' and with his income he could easily pay for Kate and Hanna to go to college without much of a hassle. People do it all the time with lesser incomes but he only "cares" about Hanna if he can have sex with her mother.
"When life gives you lemons" Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children
Yeah but everything worked out in the end. Emily was willing to give up scholarship money that she deserved way more to give to Hanna and Caleb ended up rescuing her anyway.
"When life gives you lemons" Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children
you have to remember that TV runs on struggle, and hannah's struggles would have been too easily fixed if her father was good.
if he seems like a ridiculous unrealistic stupid anger inducing man, its because he was written lazily. they just needed to find any excuse /not/ to have him be important.
its the reason all the parents suddenly seem like awful parents after season 3. they were becoming too much of a liability to the plot and had to be written out any way they can, forcing them all to seem like clueless absent parents.
*when life gives you lemons* Sara: are you a sour lemon?
True. Ella started off pretty well and then suddenly she runs off to a different country to be with Zack who randomly became a massive pervert. Tom just showed up randomly whenever they remembered she had a father.
"When life gives you lemons" Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children
I'm probably the only person on this board who doesn't think Tom was wrong in this situation. But this storyline was terribly written and thrown together at the last second (like everything on this show lol). Although I agree he's an ass but for different reasons.
Also, I think giving her $10,000/yr is generous and not just "helping a little." Hanna did not need to attend a private university.
The $10,000 was for child support, I believe. Tom wasn't willing to give her that, but was completely paying for his step daughter to go to an Ivy league school, that doesn't seem fair
It wasn't for child support. Tom says that he and Ashley agreed during the divorce that he'd contribute $10k per year for college, and that Ashley had to make up the rest. Ashley didn't have to agree if she knew she couldn't afford it. Tom makes a ton of money (presumably) so idk why she agreed to such a "small" amount.
So Hanna gets 10K and Kate gets 70K. That totally seems fair. If I was Ashley, I would be going back to court and seeing what the judge had to say about that.
A friend of mine, lets call her G, went to college, and G's mom asked G's dad to pay for 30% of the costs. G's dad said I'm not paying unless the courts says I have to. So, G's parents went to court, and the judge made G's dad pay for 60% of her college.
I think if Hanna's parents did go to court, the judge would make Tom pay at least half, if not more, because he (presumably) make a lot of money, enough that he can pay to send his step daughter to an Ivy league
Well Ashley didn't do that because she was willing to make Hanna and herself suffer financially to prove some ridiculous point to Tom. There's a difference between relying on someone for money and simply needing assistance. Hanna is so immature because she was raised by two idiots. Ashley has a kinder nature than Tom does obviously but she's a complete moron and never thinks anything through. She could've definitely gotten child support but she chose to stay in a house she couldn't afford and steal from a client. I just have a tough time feeling more than irritated but this storyline because Emily and Pam were clearly suffering financially. What did they both do? Get jobs and not complain. Ashley just whined and allowed Hanna to get hurt due to her bad parenting.
"When life gives you lemons" Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children
Yeah it was thrown together at the last minute per usual lol. The biggest problem is it just shows how irresponsible Ashley is as a parent. Hanna definitely didn't need to go to a private college but this is the same show that thinks a good SAT/ACT score with nothing else gets you into every college. Hanna was being a brat per usual and her parents are immature.
"When life gives you lemons" Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children
Exactly. This storyline was what, season 5? In season 4 Hanna still said she was gonna pick her school from a catalogue and that she wanted to go to the fashion institute (where she still ended up going lol). They just threw that in for drama and it was terribly written and unplanned.