Worst acting moments

Okay, so I am rewatching the show and remembering how TERRIBLE some of the acting is. Just ugh. What do you think are the worst acting moments? Here are mine...

- Shower. Obviously. She is THE WORST.

- Mona's mom when she's told that Mona is dead. So cringey and awful and fake.

- Toby trying to act tough in his stupid do rag

- Toby when Spencer is at the police station and he shouts "Spencer, I love you!" It's seriously so awful.

- Emily whenever anything bad happens and she has to be shocked and/or cry. She's the worst.

- Melissa. IDK, I just find Torrey DeVitto really hard to watch.

- The Ravenswood bus scene with Miranda. That whole episode was WTF, but she is particularly awful.

- Caleb crying in the car when he has to leave Rosewood to go to Ravenswood. Normally I like Tyler Blackburn, but that scene made me cringe.

- Mike Montgomery crying over Mona.

- Ella Montgomery when she's being emotional. I just find Holly Marie Coombs hard to watch when she's trying to be angry or sad.

What are yours?


1. Every scene with Mike, Shana, Shower, or Sydney as the focus.
2. Alison and Mona's showdown in the church. They were both awful.
3. Caleb crying in the scene you mentioned.
4. Every Emily and Toby scene.
5. Most of the season 4 Halloween episode especially with Miranda and Caleb.
6. Toby saying you don't want to know Noel and give me five minutes alone with him in season 6.
7. Toby being drugged out in the fight with A. It almost didn't make the list because it's so deliciously awful that I love it. This scene is like giving some faux edgy blogger a soda and telling them that's it's beer so they act over the top drunk when they're very sober. Then sticking them in a bowling alley just to see what happens.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon childrenĀ 


Oh yeah!!! The Halloween train scene with Toby and Noel is pretty awful.

And yes...Shana is awful, especially the scene right before her death where she is threatening them with a gun. It's so, so awful.

And I forgot another one, the scene with the million A's is so cringey and hilarious.


-Whenever Toby tries to act tough I cringe. "You don't want to know, Noel!"

-Mike Montgomery being emotional. His mental illness storyline was good but the acting in it was crap.

-Caleb ugly crying.

-Aria ugly crying.

-Ella Montgomery when she's yelling. She always makes an expression like she's bothered herself with how loud it is.

-Emily whenever she is surprised and her open mouth becomes larger than the rest of her face. There are ways to act surprised without throwing your mouth open!

-Every scene with Sara Harvey or Shana Fringe. Those two were badly written and s bland as a piece of white untoasted bread.

-Sara and Emily trying to be couple-y. It was forced and usually Shay is able to adapt in a couple scene if she is acting against someone that is stronger than she is (Bianca Lawson, Lindsey Shaw, to name a few) but in this case they're both bad and unconvincing so it somehow just pushes the awfulness up to the next level.


Like Emily in the season 6A finale trailer: Oh my gawwddd over the Sara reveal. It was so badly acted and seemed delayed too.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon childrenĀ 


Bad reveal used to badly explain a badly developed plot twist, a failed attempt to make it more important by creating an unconvincing relationship and two bad performances. What could have gone wrong?


Emily when Jason falls down the elevator shaft


It was also the writing and directing that didn't help at all, but in Season 1:

When Toby and Emily go to the dance together and he takes her into a classroom (lab?). He slowly shuts the door and dramatically says something like,

"We all have secrets, Emily..."

The point was to make him look suspicious/sketchy, I guess.


"That's it, Noel! We're done!"

Also the chickpeas.


Hanna crying when Caleb was shot and had to be taken to the ambulance. Ashley is usually great with crying scenes. I don't know what happened there.
