A new chapter for us

I'm really bummed to hear that message boards will be terminated, so I will say that I definitely regret not being very active here. I do have a confession to make and I hope you guys don't think I'm creepy for doing this, but I used to come here and read all your threads long before I made an account of my own. I honestly don't know why I didn't create an account earlier, but it was always interesting reading what you all had to say about the show and share amongst each other. PLL has been a part of me for years and so has IMDB and I'm glad they led me to you guys and although I wasn't very active, I'm very thankful to have met you and appreciate the advice you gave me when I needed your help. I'll definitely see if I can join this new PLL forum everyone is talking about, it won't be the same, but we'll make the best of it. This isn't necessarily a goodbye, just a reflection on everything that's happened here, thank you ?


its more common than you think, they say for every person posting, there are ten people just lurking who never say anything. scary thoguht. I've actually had at least two occassions where someone made an account and messaged me saying 'i dont mean to be creepy but i actually have been reading your posts for X years/months and wanted to ask you about YY'

then id respond and never hear from them again. i guess thats how -A gets his intel these days.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Sorry about that, I'm just too busy and indecisive to make a detailed response to all the messages even though I'd like to, so I often just skimmed through the comments and agreed/disagreed ?But seriously it's been fun getting to know you


i guess thats how -A gets his intel these days.




You should also petition on their Facebook, Twitter, other social media sites and could also start a new petition with a different website as well just to make sure they get it.

"Sometimes what I type doesn't make any sense because of the iPad."— By Me.


Already taken care of


Or this petition below which is almost close to 5000 signatures.




I used to do the same thing you good:)


I did that for a bit too after discovering the message boards on this site. Lol. I've knew of this site for an entire decade just looking up some movie pages, trivia, and etc from time to time.



Yep that's me alright, except I've only known about IMDB since 2010


It's not creepy! I used to post on here a lot (and usually still do when new episodes are out) but there are lots of other boards where I barely post at all but still like to see what others are saying. Sometimes its more fun to stay out of the madness but still enjoy it from a safe distance away 😉


When you put it that way, it makes sense, I want join the fun, but also want to stay out of the madness


Chapters make me uncomfortable.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 
