Fantasy couples

Which characters would you like to see paired up? It can be ANYONE, even characters who are deceased. This is just for fun.

I really love Spencer and Caleb, better than Spencer and Toby. However, I DO really like Caleb and Hanna together, so I'm torn.

I actually DO like Aria and Ezra...but I really, really wish he was just a normal boyfriend and not her ex-teacher/guy who dated a minor/guy who wrote a book about Alison. I like Ezra's character in some ways, but his whole past is super creepy and it grosses me out that it's considered romantic. I would like him a whole lot more if Aria met him later, like when she was in college. I can't look at them together without being reminded of the ridiculous chickpea thing and the fact that he is SUCH a creep.

I like Emily with Paige. It seems like Emily/Alison is what Marlene is going for...but ugh. I like Paige and I think they go really well together.

I also kind of like Jason and Aria, I think they have good chemistry and I find Jason to be an interesting character.


holden and me

for reasons...

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


The true OTP.

The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters.


dont tell perfectcat shippers

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Spencer and Caleb. Their banter in the earlier seasons was endearing.
Aria and Jason. But not until she is of age.
Hanna and the guy that she started dating when Caleb left. He was nice and simple.
Emily and Paige. They have good chemistry and seem the most realistic out of all the relationships that Emily has been in.


Hanna and Travis! I loved him too
Aria and Jason
Spencer and Alex or Spencer and Jason if they weren't related lol
Emily and Paige


I almost said Spencer and Jason and then I remembered they had the same dad.


Spencer and Jason without the paternity plot twist would have been very believable. Speaking completely platonically, they do have good acting chemistry and an underdeveloped connection that could be very interesting if better explored. But yeah...incest.

Jason with ANYONE would be nice. I just like Jason. I hate that they are still teasing a relationship with Aria when we all know the show will go down in a blaze of Ezria ... not glory....the opposite of glory...shame? The show will go down in a blaze of Ezria shame.


Jason with Aria.
Emily with Paige.
I don't have a particular person for Hanna. I liked her with Caleb initially but they don't work together anymore. They bring out the worst in each other.
Spencer with Caleb(prior to his shift in 7A), Andrew(the couple we never got), or Wren.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


seriously tho, jake and aria.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Emily and Alison
Spencer and Alex
Hanna and Jordan
Aria and Wes


Spencer either alone or with Marco.

Emily with Paige.

Aria with Liam or Jake.

Hanna with Jordan.


I like Marco too fingers crossed that still happens.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


I still want Noel with Aria.


noel is really HEAD over heels for her.

he should just go a HEAD and date her.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Heads would roll if they did though. All of the drama would probably sever any connection. Plus, Jenna would see to it that Aria and Noel never reu-knighted.



*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?



rip Noel, I will miss your pretty face & your weird charisma & that time you sat alone under a sheet for hours in the Hastings lakehouse aka one of my fave scenes of the modern PLL era


Every time I watch PLL. I watch that Noel/Spencer scene like 10 times because it's so hilarious. I never really thought about that though...that he was literally just sitting there under a sheet for hours, hoping somebody would show up...that makes it even funnier.


I'm glad to hear I am not the only one who loves it! I can't even explain why it stood out so much... it felt like something that would have happened in the early days, when Noel was a main player on the suspect list, which sadly dissolved into nothing for way too long. Also it felt like an insane episode of Scooby-Doo, especially since Noel cut out a little eye hole so he could watch Spencer lolololol


Noel was always an interesting and funny character, it makes me sad that he was never used very much.


Agreed I love that scene too because it's just so ridiculous and everyone just reacts like it's normal behavior you know who doesn't sit under a sheet for hours in a house? It's probably a Rosewood hobby lol. It's like Psycho mixed with Scooby Doo which doesn't work but it does. OH PLL.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


"which doesn't work but it does"

^ exactly

For those who always accused us of being too critical of the show, I would like to point out that a certain level of campiness does work on a show like PLL. There are times when the writing was less realistic but still believable enough to get by, and then there were times where they hurdled over the line of normalcy and took it way beyond reasonable television.


Like the time that Toby's mom was still alive several years after Bethany killed her? Hmm maybe the last 10 episodes can tell us who killed her the second time.


the timeline is relative! it was a flashback dream sequence! everything is interpretive!

LOL I won't cross my fingers on hearing another word about Toby's mom because Marlene thought 6x10 was flawless and all loose ends from before the time jump were effectively concluded.


Agreed I don't see how anyone could not criticize this show. The actors do it pretty regularly because it's just fun and easy. I mock Game of Thrones regularly it really just depends on the show.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


I wonder what would have happened if Noel had to go to the bathroom. Only on PLL.


Well, you won't need to miss his pretty face. It can now be considered a carry on item.
...I know where the door is.



It won't be worth carrying around once Jenna kicks it a few more times!


That part always amazed me. She is blind, her other senses are a little enhanced, aren't they? Surely kicking a head would be squishy.
Oh Noel, going from a handsome man to a squishy football for the blind. How the mighty have fallen...


hahahahahhahaha a squishy football for the blind

The only allowance I can make on Jenna's behalf is that I think she was a bit distressed and hyped up on adrenaline... usually she has blind girl super powers that give her more discernment than anyone else in a 100 mile radius.


I get that she was distressed and hyped but human bodies, especially deceased ones have a quality that when you touch them without being used to it (p.e. if you are a medical examiner or doctor perhaps) it will usually make you recoil in some way. It just has a natural way of creeping you out I guess.
And you're right, Jenna's abilities are almost Daredevil like and then suddenly they just disappear.
What we wanted: Character consistency.
What we got: Noel, rolling in the deep.


I honestly really loved Jason and Ashley. I think they could have been a pretty great couple. I'm disappointed that they writers didn't develop their relationship more. I also really like Hanna and Lucas. I wish they officially got together at some point.
