MovieChat Forums > Pretty Little Liars (2010) Discussion > Well now that the message boards will be...

Well now that the message boards will be gone

Guess I can say everything I want to say with no worry of judgement.

Caleb is my favorite character on the show, not any of the liars.

I still want Ian to be A. And I'm still furious about that whole villIAN thing they pulled right before the reveal only for it to mean nothing.

I hate Cece being A, I hate Cece being dead, I hate Cece being transgender because the only trans character on the show had to be a villain. If anything, Paige or one of Emily's other girlfriends should have been.

I HATE Maya, she was rude and stuck up and selfish. I can't stand Paige. In fact most of Emily's girlfriends are annoying. And even though I always hated the idea of Emison, I'm starting to accept it more and more because Alison deserves somebody in her life that truly cares about her and she has never really had that. On a side note, I also can't really stand Emily.

I love Haleb! And Hanna is my favorite liar.

I HATE Toby, I wanted him to die so many times, he treats Spencer so bad. But I don't like Spencer with any other guy either, she was awful with Caleb, Wren would have been ok if he wasn't engaged to Melissa first.

I started off liking Ezra and Aria, despite him being her teacher and the first time watching, I even liked them after the book thing, until I really thought about it after watching the show for the third time. I don't really like Aria much anymore either though I still wish she had stayed with Noel and forgotten all about Ezra.

I used to hate Mona until watching the show for the second time. I really liked her and Mike together.

I go back and forth between hating Jenna and wanting the character off of my screen and loving her.

I don't and never did want Wren to be A, though it would have been better than Cece. Ian as A, Melissa as Black Widow, Cece as Red Coat and Wren, Jenna and Noel as random helpers would have been best.

I hate all of season 6 except the first and last episodes. But I loved every other season and still love the show very much.

Every time Byron is on the screen, I have the urge to punch him in his face.

I hate Lucas, he is annoying, needy and just needed to go away 6 seasons ago.

I think Brant Daugherty (Noel Kahn) and Tyler Blackburn (Caleb Rivers) are ridiculously hot.

Ryan Merriman (Ian Thomas) is the reason I started watching the show to begin with.

And that is about all I can think of at the moment.


>hates lucas


*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


Shhhhhhhh. Take deep breaths and think of Holden.

The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters.


I hate Cece being A, I hate Cece being dead, I hate Cece being transgender because the only trans character on the show had to be a villain. If anything, Paige or one of Emily's other girlfriends should have been.

Do you mean that one of Emily's girlfriend should have been A/ a villain or that one of Emily's girlfriends should have been transgender?


One of her girlfriends should have been transgender. It's horrible for the only transgender character to be a villain, especially since they made it seem like she was a villain because she was transgender. And then they go and kill her off on top of that.


I do agree with you on this one. Having one of Emily's girlfriends be transgender could bring the conversation into the show without using the whole "lol, she's transgender, that's why she's evil!" angle. For some reason I could picture the Paige storyline but with Paige hiding the secret of being transgender instead of having been in love with Emily, or even both of those things.


Yes, that could have been a great story and would have actually made Paige an interesting character.


It would have also put a tap on the whole "every gay girl is in love with Emily by default" thing. Instead the storyline could have been about how Alison threatened to expose the fact that Paige was transgender (maybe she snooped in old medical records or found out that she was taking estrogen or something? Alison always seemed to have a way to find things out...) and that Paige initially hated Emily because she thought that she had something to do with what Alison did. Then later it could be revealed that Emily had no idea and the red herring storyline in season 3A could have been on one hand Paige trying to protect the secret of her transgender status and on the other hand the Liars being suspicious of her because they think she's hiding the fact that she's A/working with A and maybe Paige telling Emily that she's transgender but Emily rightfully feeling that it is not her place to disclose that information to her friends, thus they start feeling that she is also hiding something from them. I think it would have also been a good storyline because it might have opened up a conversation about how someone who is transgender does not owe anyone to tell them the fact that they're transgender and that how being "exposed" can put trans people into very dangerous situations.


I would've loved that storyline. Great post per usual.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


I would have also liked some conclusion between Spencer and Paige, since Spencer was coming after her like a rabid dog during the last episodes in 3A. They have one look that passes between them after the lighthouse which was saved by some phenomenal acting abilities (I can not picture many other actors in PLL being able to say so much with so little).
I loved the storyline in a Perfect Storm when Spencer realizes that Alex is keeping a secret, not out of bad intentions but rather because he is protecting Veronica out of the goodness of his heart. I think there could have been a parallel storyline in season 3A, building an arc with Spencer's character who has so far associated secrets with hiding shame, embarrassment and to cover up wrongdoings, but with the Alex incident has started to understand that keeping secrets can also be done to protect people from being harmed by others. Thus, a good ending to 3A would have been Spencer finding out about Paige being transgender (after all, she is the smart one) and Paige panicking but Spencer assuring her that her secret is safe and then going back to Hanna and Aria and telling them that her suspicions of Paige hiding something from them was nothing but her own paranoia. A knowing glance between Emily and Spencer before or after would also work in such a scene and I think Shay would be able to pull it off since she seems be able to pull things off when paired with a strong actor. Character growth, that's all I ask for, which in the later seasons, has apparently become way too much to ask for.


Wow, I really love your ideas, vafla! That would have been such a great story line.


It's ridiculous that they are closing the boards. Facebook and Twitter, as far as I know, don't offer a way to separate comments based on which show you're writing about. Won't we have to scroll through every other post for every other show or movie in order to find things posted about the specific shows we want to talk about? I suppose hash tags would help as long as people actually use them. Personally, I hate Facebook and refuse to use it and twitter restricts to 140 characters, hashtags and user names included. Seems like a terrible solution.

The boards are organized in a way we will never get from social media apps.

All I can figure it that it is so that they have only 2 places to police for infractions versus the hundreds of individual boards for each movie or program. I'm sure it's also cheaper too.

You forgot your thingy!- Eddie, Empire Records


I don't know about Twitter but Facebook has tons of PLL groups and pages that discuss nothing but the show or am I misreading your statement?


Possibly misreading. I don't use Facebook very often except to see pictures of my little niece who lives out of state. My thought is, that the IMDb boards are very cleanly organized, each show, actor, movie, etc. has it's own webpage devoted to it and any questions or thoughts are found there. How is it organized on Facebook? Regardless, I will not use Facebook or Twitter for the things I have come to the message boards for. Twitter is too limiting with the 140 characters and I just don't like Facebook at all. (For anyone wondering, I am not an old person who is resisting social media. I am in my early 30s and have multiple social media accounts. I just hate Facebook and find it very disorganized and intrusive.)

You forgot your thingy!- Eddie, Empire Records


Now I understand and I completely agree with you on facebook, I am an older person and belong to two such groups for PLL, one for Criminal Minds and one for Designated Survior. One of the PLL groups along with the two latter mentioned hold live episode chats which is nice if you're watching alone. The groups can be a bit unorganized if underage folks are allowed because they seem to "know everything" and for someone like me and a lot of people on these boards use our noggins and think logically instead of jumping at every leaf that falls on the ground is a clue! Some groups cater to the fans thru fashion, hair styles and relationships which isn't the show and then there are others that only do discussions and theories. Good luck with finding another enjoyable social media forum!


I agree with most of this except I love Lucas and I hated Ezria since day 1

Oh and I hate Caleb lately


Oh and I reallyyyy want Wren to be A Haha
