Does anyone know why

Why are some of the threads coming up as "Doh! Something went wrong, blah blah blah..." but other threads are fine to open and read? I'm talking about the ones on this board. I thought we had another couple weeks before things went away?

You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.


I just refresh a bunch until they show up. Probably just a case of slow dismantling.

The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters.


with the announcement the boards are all more active than usual as even off season shows are discussing and saying goodbye and what not. traffic has to be at an all time high. so they're crashing here and there.

*when life gives you lemons*
Sara: are you a sour lemon?


I actually got an error message trying to respond to this last night.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon childrenĀ 


I also get it just go back and click again then its fine.
