Yes, exactly. At least if it's historical you know what you are getting into. If you're not interested in seeing LGBTQ content you could skip it, but in this case, you have something that you've been watching for years (assuming you watched the TV show) and you expect it to have a certain vibe, style, tone, etc., so when all of the sudden they drop a queer bomb on you, for no reason at all, it feels out of place and takes you completely out of the story. And like you said, it's only there to check a diversity box to satisfy a bunch of mentally ill woke degenerates who feel that it is ok to impose their deranged ideology on everyone else whether they like it or not.
I've had enough of "Diversity, inclusion, and representation". From now on, I'm only interested in Homogeneity, Exclusion, and Representation of the majority.