Anne got that jungle fever

Damn. Chef Anne got that jungle fever! This lesbian with the crazy ass hair loves her some dark meat! Bitch tries to pretend she's not biased, but she never has a male as her winning person. She's a rude ass bitch to all the men on her team until she sends them home. Biased ass bitch. .


Why do you say she has jungle fever? I've only seen her flirt with the bachelor guy.

I missed an episode. What did she do/say? It wasn't fair for the bachelor dude to stay over Jaleel/Urkle because he had two people help him with his dish. In what world would that be fair?


Not true. Anne has had several male protégés make it all the way to the finale. Some even won the whole shebang.

I'd like to be a pessimist, but this is a luxury I cannot afford.—Joseph of Cordoba


Damn, did she kill your puppy or something?

There's a lot of anger going on over a little cooking show.


Only if you mean she has a thing for really dark haired girls. She's either super nice to them or a huge bitch. The bitchier she is, the more she like them.

I don't trust people who don't like pets and I don't trust people who pets don't like.


My favorite season of this show she had a male as her finalist, his name was Jamie. Why are you calling this woman nasty names and accusing her? WTF. Settle down.
