putting a picture in front of a camera would NOT work: 1) field of view would not be identical to the real image, and worse, 2) the picture would not be in focus as those video camera lenses are set for a distance of several feet, if not infinity.
1. is not a valid complaint because you can match the FOV.
2. would be a valid complaint if you are a security camera expert. Most people I think will accept the idea that maybe the camera is auto-focusing. Maybe they do auto-focus in real life too.
Yeah, I agree, maxloh. Obviously to actually do this in real life would be very difficult and require careful testing. But for the purposes of a movie, I think the vast majority of the audience is willing to suspend their disbelief the little bit required for this event.
___ Thor Trek 2: Into the Dark World Starring Chris Hemsworth as Thor, the father of Captain Kirk
Yeah, this entire film was essentially implausible (I still found it fun, if easily forgettable), so I felt that scene fit right in with all the other circumstances that took place.
Best fake-out of a security camera I've ever seen in film was in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Although the technology used was pure fantasy, it was very clever nonetheless.