Liked it a lot

Saw it an hour ago and enjoyed it a lot. Maybe the fact that there was constant danger of someone falling off the ledge that added to the suspense factor, but all in all - a thoroughly enjoyable crime-suspense movie. Not going to win an Oscar but really - who cares.


I also enjoyed it.
It is not the best action / thriller movie of all time but it is decent entertainment with good acting, a good idea (the ledge) and 90 minutes of non-stop excitment. The trailer told us the film will be something like Panic Room or Phone Booth. Maybe that is the reason why the stupid critics hate this movie.

I just cannot understand why this movie bombs. It is good. Nothing more, nothing less.


You have to remember that it was up against some pretty tough competition. It was being released the same weekend as The Grey and the weekend after had to deal with Chronicle and The Woman in Black. If it doesn't do well in theaters, I have this feeling that it'll make up for it on DVD.

"A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts."


I saw this movie with my friends this weekend and I really liked it too. I did not want to see it because of some critics I read on this movie. But since my friends wanted to see it, I went. It is not an Oscar winning movie but it sure is very entertaining. I had good time for about 90 minutes. That makes me think how many more fun movies I have missed before because of the stupid critics…


Liked it too. 8/10


yep me too- i saw it about an hour ago and was thoroughly entertained it was well done and very enjoyable

obviously it wasn't oscar material but it was worth seeing and i'd recommend it
which i can't often say about many films

you could no doubt pick holes in it but you could do that with any film


Agree with every word! 7.5/10


I saw it this weekend, it was delightfully fast-paced film. I loved every single moment.


At last!! A board /people who liked the film!! I just saw it a minute ago and went here to see what the comments was.. And so many people hated it.. Geez. It's a fun and entertaining film, and kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.. I liked it. :))

"the greatest fools are ofttimes more clever than the men who laugh at them"- Tywin Lannister


I thoroughly enjoyed it too. I wasn't expecting much when i first sat down but it turned out to be a really good movie.


Yeah its a fun movie.


Insert @V@T@R


Loved it, entertaining and quite exciting.


Ed Harris is a little jjerk in reeal life and washed up 15 years ago.Watch his behavior on utube at Toronto in front of women and a little boy.


I liked it a lot too. Didn't think it was especially good, but the style of it, was so 80's, every cliche in the book, reminded me of childhood :)
So I enjoyed it a lot.

Do Ape descendants have no pride any more?


Completely agreed all around.


This was 4 outa 5 stars easy
