Episode 3 (spoilers!!)
The first two episodes were good, IMO, but both had comical overtones. This latest episode was the best and the most serious, most similar to TWD.
However, there's a big faux pas and I don't understand how or why the writers would do it. It's the back story of Alpha and her daughter Lydia, before the Whisperers. At the end of the episode, they are approached by Whisperers who take them in and that's how it ends. Beta was not shown in that group.
HOWEVER, in TWD episode where it explains their back story, that is not how it happened! I'll cut and paste this: "In the episode "We Are the End of the World", it is discovered in flashbacks the origin and past of a then unstable Beta, and what happened before he formed the Whisperers with Alpha, who he meets in an abandoned sanatorium along with Lydia." What was also drastically different was that they were on a huge showboat, living decent lives with many other people until it fell apart. That's not how it was in TWD episode. Did they think no one would notice or remember???
I just don't understand why the writers would make it about Lydia and her mother, changing everything, rather than just make it a tale of totally different people. That would have made much more sense.