Episode 3 (spoilers!!)

The first two episodes were good, IMO, but both had comical overtones. This latest episode was the best and the most serious, most similar to TWD.

However, there's a big faux pas and I don't understand how or why the writers would do it. It's the back story of Alpha and her daughter Lydia, before the Whisperers. At the end of the episode, they are approached by Whisperers who take them in and that's how it ends. Beta was not shown in that group.

HOWEVER, in TWD episode where it explains their back story, that is not how it happened! I'll cut and paste this: "In the episode "We Are the End of the World", it is discovered in flashbacks the origin and past of a then unstable Beta, and what happened before he formed the Whisperers with Alpha, who he meets in an abandoned sanatorium along with Lydia." What was also drastically different was that they were on a huge showboat, living decent lives with many other people until it fell apart. That's not how it was in TWD episode. Did they think no one would notice or remember???

I just don't understand why the writers would make it about Lydia and her mother, changing everything, rather than just make it a tale of totally different people. That would have made much more sense.


Probably took submissions by random writers to vary the story lines, still doesn't make sense


You would certainly be forgiven for thinking so. But this episode was actually written by Channing Powell - who is an executive producer and has written 17 episodes of The Walking Dead - ie. Someone who knows TWDU inside out! Which only makes it even more puzzling that they would have written such a stinker of an end to what was otherwise a credible back story episode. Unbefu##inglievable.


I just got around to watching this. I stopped watching TWD Season 7 Ep 3, so I don't know anything about the whisperers. This sort of retconning of the story seems like a dirty move, but I would have had no idea if you didn't post this here.

However, at the end, when she hears the voice of the whisperers... is that how it is in the main show? People can actually hear them whispering from a distance? Through the woods?

Whispers are intentionally quiet, so that you're not heard outside of your immediate surroundings. If you went out into the woods and tried to whisper to somebody 100 feet away, they'd never hear you. They wouldn't even know you're whispering, much less be able to make out what you're saying. Seems like a silly and nonsensical gimmick.


Since I did my original post I did some digging online and, supposedly, the episode on Tales was what happened to Alpha and Lydia between the time she left where she was with her husband (I won't spoil anything for you, it's heavy), and when she met The Whisperers. The only problem with that, is that she met Beta BEFORE she met The Whisperers but there was no mention of Beta in that episode at all. So it's still not making sense!

In TWD, you could only hear them from a very short distance, certainly not the distance that Alpha heard them from on Tales. That was ridiculous!

I actually stopped watching Tales. I couldn't get through episode 4, it was terrible and I asked myself why I'm forcing myself to watch. I liked the first couple of episodes but then I completely lost interest. I absolutely LOVE TWD but that doesn't mean I have to force myself to watch this stupid spin off 🙂
