Wow it looks so different than the original!
So this time its a woman that tricks a rich snobby guy into thinking he's married to her, wow that makes the movie completely different! This is so original guys you really made it your own.
But fucking seriously is Hollywood that fucking lazy, can they not come up with anything original? They seriously gotta go back through the catalog of movies from the 80s and search rom coms for ideas?
"Oh i know lets just remake this movie cause that way we wont have to think of anything, we'll just take the script for that old movie and rewrite it making little changes it'll be so easy!"
"And the best part of it is there will be alot who wont even know this is a remake and they'll think we come up with something original!".
Also i love how they just couldn't portray a woman as the bad person, so of course in today's sensitive pc society we live in they had to make the woman the poor sympathetic one while the man was the snobby asshole.