MovieChat Forums > The Master (2012) Discussion > One man trying to help another and being...

One man trying to help another and being unable to

That's what I think the story is really about. People say it's condemning Dodd but I don't think so - just his methods which tragically fail to help. Scenes like the wall-to-wall scene show that Dodd was actually concerned about Freddie and wanted to help. Also the scene where he defends Freddie saying "If we can not help him then it is us who have failed him."

With all of Dodd's methods the only time he truly helped Freddie was the early processing scene where he pretty just talks to him and is genuinely interested. In the end Freddie moves on but still takes that processing experience with him - a person listening to him. Dodd is hurt by his inability to help Freddie further which is why he's so emotional at the end. Anyway that's my take on this movie after seeing it a bunch of times.

Side note: I find it interesting that Dodd flips out whenever the Cause is thrown into question. Contrast that with Freddie flipping out and becoming violent whenever his standing with Doris is questioned. (I believe he attacked that guy in the mall because the man mentioned the photo being for his wife, bringing up thoughts of Doris).

So they both flip out when any shakey aspect of themselves is brought up. Just an interesting thing. Awesome movie.
