MovieChat Forums > The Master (2012) Discussion > Curious to hear any thoughts on the eye ...

Curious to hear any thoughts on the eye scenes

When Amy Adams says this will help with your concentration and asked what colour her eyes were?


How very dare my luv. How very dare you


I saw that as the equivalent of cloud bursting for psychics. If you stare at clouds long enough they're bound to start moving around, making the "psychic" feel like he moved them with his mind.

I assume if you stare at eyes long enough and focus on the color your brain is bound to play tricks on you and start changing colors, thus proving the cause is real. Could be wrong. Don't know anything about Scientology.

What made that scene extra strange for me is that her eyes WERE blue on my tv when he said they were green. Was that just me?


Yes, they were blue when he said green. We only saw Freddie's imagined change to the color black.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


believe it or not, this is actually a question that is asked by a scientologist after an auditing session. no clue what its supposed to mean but they ask it.


In terms of the Cause, I think it's an exercise having them take command of their environment, or at least feel that they have the power in their mind to shape their perception of the world around them which is certainly true to an extent.

In terms of Scientology, maybe if you claim to see the eyes change to the color they asked for, then they know they've successfully indoctrinated you.


I think it is about suggestibility.

"a malcontent who knows how to spell"


Pretty much this. Well said. Freddy was their guinea pig for new experiments.

Do I have to give it to you?
