Slow Boat to China

I've been reading alot about how this scene represents Dodd's longing to leave with Freddie and abandon the Cause, but did anyone else get a menacing vibe instead of a longing one during this scene?

Hoffman's face towards the end looks enraged, and he nearly spits out the words to Freddie.

I interpreted it as him saying that he want to get Freddie as far away from the Cause as possible, since he's caused them so much trouble. Send him away "on a slow boat to China", as it were.


I took it as Dodd really wanting to leave with Freddie. I think he had a lot of emotions towards Freddie and the life Freddie represented, ways that were 'wicked' or 'animal' and for Dodd he was REALLY wrestling with keeping those emotions in check with Freddie. He could've snapped and kissed him as easily as kill him...I felt like the characters in those auditing sessions all were pushed to that brink, they just had so many bottled emotions that they were literally ready to burst.

I think you're right though, he's got a lot of rage and pain on his face
