SPOILERS!! Jewish??

I am loathe to bring this up. But in the course of the first two episodes, the kidnapper Sam Fortner says to his therapist Allan Strauss," I went to three Jewish therapists and I chose you."
(I have only seen two episodes thus far.) Now, is the religious derivation of the therapist germane? Why is this relevant? I am just curious. Maybe this will become clear as the show proceeds. So far, I like it very much. Good writing and good actors, this is good for me. I am soo over super heroes. Anyone's insight or opinion will be welcomed.
“In Jewish history there are no coincidences.” – Elie Wiesel

Stay Gold


I am sure it will be explained at some point how this is relevant.


it is relevant to Allan Strauss and the story of his family. Not sure how it is going to be relevant to why Sam chose him.


Jews confess to Jews! Jews don't confess to goyims.


It becomes relevant because....

..in Sam's understanding of the Jewish faith having an actual body to mourn is important. So he goes against his usual practice of hiding the body and leaves it where it can be found. One might also imagine that it opens up the possibility of Sam being discovered...


Sam's usual practice was actually leaving a body where it can be found.

The guy from the Greek restaurant was the only exception.


Really? Because I remember the Doc trying to get Sam to be more empathetic to the family by allowing the body to be found but Sam worried about DNA..
Maybe it concerned victims that one was acquainted with.

In the end there was a success ,ironically, as Sam did express empathy toward the Drs family.


And that's when it was mentioned.

He also never brought his previous victims to the house before.


Well you said his usual practice was hiding the body when that's actually the opposite of his usual practice.
