Bad movie

Great cast, good name, bad movie. Everything was in place to make a good movie. After watching this I now understand why this turkey tanked.


I agree, I was disappointed also. With the production and buzz this movie had I expected it to be much better. It ended up being way different then I thought it would be. I expected an inspirational tale of a down an out country star who against the odds makes a comeback.

The Kelly(Gwyneth Paltrow) character just came across as a whiny self-absorbed spoiled rotter superstar which nothing in life is good enough for them. In fact other then Beau (Garrett Hedlund)I really couldn't like or identify with any of the characters. I did not find the story or ending in any way inspiring or satisfying.

It is really too bad.... they had quality actors, strong director and a good budget...Seemed all the pieces were in place to make a great movie.

If you want to see a great movie about a down and out country star trying to rebound see 'Crazy Heart'... The story and music are far superior to this turkey.

"What? Fuyuns are awesome"


I've been trying to watch this movie for 5 days and can't seem to finish it! It has great actors and music, but it's just so uninteresting! The plot and writing are all over the place and I just don't give a damn about anyone. It's not structured right at all.

