fake country accents

do they sound fake to everyone or just those of us in the South?

"Leeches suck!"


As someone who lives in the south, pretty much any actor or actress not from the south trying to do a southern accent, sounds ridiculous.


There are different sects of Southern accent, so what sounds fake to someone from Tennessee may sound genuine to someone from Alabama.

Unlike the Boston accent, which is butchered every single time.


Well, I'm from Texas and I saw a movie called Varsity Blues and the guy starring in it had the most hilarious attempt at a Texas accent that I've ever heard. Just awful. How he got past the audition is beyond me.

And Jessica Simpson. She's from the south, but her southern accent in Dukes of Hazzard was ridiculous as well, much like the movie itself.



yep, fake boston accents suck. Remember Jeff Bridges in Blown Away? Yeesh!
"Leeches suck!"


I'm not from the south and even to me their accents sound fake and forced.....


It seems like it'd be easier just to hire an actor or actress from the south.



Actually theres a definitive line between an authentic Southern accent and a mocking one....and this movie (along with several others) veers towards the mockery, simply because you KNOW they dont have the accent naturally and theyre trying too hard.

You are exactly right and this is especially true in the clip I saw of Leighton talking about "Kelly Cay-nter and Jesus Chry-st!" Sheesh! (No offence to Jesus..)


I kind of thought the accent really suited her. It went well with the whole beauty pageant, "Country Barbie" veneer she had going. "I admire Kelly Canton.......oh and Jesus Christ. Kelly Canton and Jesus Christ!"


I think you may have something there.


It would however to get lots of roles in film most actors are taught to lose their accents. There are exceptions like the lead dude from fast and the furious Tokyo Drift whos from Alabama, although his accent sounds fake to me, I bet it's real cause he uses it in both movies I've seen him in with no need to because the South has no major role in them



chugga lug. chugguh glug!

“Can't go wrong with taupe."- Wynn Duffy


It's difficult to sound genuine when faking a southern accent. I agree with the poster who said they should've hired actors with real accents. It's a solid cast, but you think they would've considered a more genuine approach.

"My dad went out to get the candles for my 4th birthday lasagna and never came back."



So true. At least they had Tim McGraw.

"My dad went out to get the candles for my 4th birthday lasagna and never came back."


I didn't think Garrett's was all that bad. He has such a deep, low voice that it just sort of naturally sounds country to me. Leighton, on the other hand...I just assumed she was over doing it because of the "prissy beauty queen" aspect to her character, otherwise, it was way over the top!


In Northeast Texas, I have actually heard some real accents that sound like they're from a movie with fake country accents. Some people really do sound that. Yew know whut I meayne. They tawlk liiike thiyas. Sort of like a slightly faster, not mentally challenged Forest Gump.

I'm not trying to make fun of accents, because people make fun of Southern accents all the time and equate the drawl with the IQ, which is just stupidity.

I hear different accents all right here in my corner of Texas: the typical Texas drawl with a twang or nasal touch (sometimes waaaaay more than a touch) like Woody Harrelson, various drawls like Matthew McConaughey or Dennis Quaid or Tommy Lee Jones. Then there's the Arkansas and Louisiana variations too. Not all Southerners sound the same, not even in the same state. This guy I used to work with from Alabama sounded like warm, slow molasses. Don't nobody from around here sound like that, that's for sure! Unfortunately. Sigh.

"Married? Goody-Two-Shoes and the Filthy Beast?!"


I lived in Austin TX and west Texaners have heavy accents. And those outside ATL, GA I can't even understand them. I had to ask them to spell words. It is hard to get an accent when you are not from there I guess. I hate when Detroit accents come of sounding country.


They did sound fake, but that didn't bother me as much as making the Chiles character even have a country accent. She was supposedly from Dallas, and if you grow up in the Dallas metroplex, you don't have a country accent. I've never heard people talk like her unless they're transplants from small towns far away from a major city.


I think it probably sounds "fake" (technically, it IS fake) to you guys because you KNOW its not their natural accent and you're subconsciously thinking that. I thought everyone sounded fine tbh though I was concentrating more on the movie rather than the accents.


I am country and was raised in Tx but have lived 20 yrs now in Nashville, there is a difference to me in a country accent and southern and a hick mountain Appalachian accent. Southern is more like Gone With The Wind accents with that Georgia deep south and country is like the Texas type country twang sound from Tx to Ok and the mid west and the Appalachian accent blends into the Carolinas and eastern Tn near the mountains. Now days like me I have moved around so much through my adult years that I am a heinz 57 now like many in this country.In this movie Chiles has an awful accent...thats fake and especially when she sang..ugh and Paltrow too...not sure why they raved on Paltrows singing because its no different then a shower singer IMHO.
