MovieChat Forums > Country Strong (2011) Discussion > If Kelly was Supposed to be a serious al...

If Kelly was Supposed to be a serious alkie

Then why didn't her husband-business manager hire some special chemical dependency minders to keep Kelly away from booze & brief the rest of the crew, like her make-up girl? Instead he relies on some guitar playing janitor schmuck, who is banging her on the side, to keep her dry when the guitar playing janitor schmuck drinks himself.

What are they doing? Why do they come here?
Some kind of instinct, memory, what they used to do.


I know.... right? Who brings in a good looking sober coach for his good looking wife. This movie is ridiculous and it is, as I write, playing on my TV. I was going to turn it off but after reading the *spoiler alert*, I've discovered she commits suicide so I guess I'll finish it. That is the only highlight for this sorry-ass storyline.


Don't get me wrong, I still liked the movie even with all that silliness. It was pure C & W sap but still fun, but not for diabetics. But there is a whole industry of drug and booze rehab types these days for celebrities who specialize in cases like her.


Alkies are alkies, their significant others are control freaks, he just wanted the dancing chicken out there dancing again. If he was half a husband he would have left her in rehab for the whole time. Also, you can not "babysit" an alkie, that would just send them on a huge bender.

She was a serious aklie, there really is only one kind. Alcoholics are the only people that have a disease that tells them they don't have a disease. Most die drunk. One half of 1 percent get sober and die sober. So what do you think, is there such a thing as a "moderate" alkie? They all graduate on and on and on.


During the scene when she visits the sick kid, when they dance, do you think he smelled alcohol on her breath? Just a random question.


It was obvious throughout the entire movie that she did not want to tour anymore but her husband/manager did. She just wanted to get back to living a "normal" life, but her husband would not allow it. That is why she turned to drinking. The scene with the kid... no, he did not smell alcohol on her breath. He walked away from her. She realized that to her husband she would always be a "money machine" and never able to have a normal life.


True her husband was mercenary about her, but still, there are pros who specialize in keeping celebrities sober and that schmuck from the rehab was not one of them. I also think that at one time he did love her more but was sick of her drinking.


I think James picked Beau because Kelly wanted him on the tour and James thought
he could help Kelly. I don't think James was that bad, from his point of view, being on stage was what Kelly needed. He didn't listen to her, or she didn't tell him how much she hated it. I was wondering what made her drink when she was pregnant. That didn't fit in unless other things happened to her.


rst I'd like to say please don't try to put down alcoholics. They all do their best but without true support and rehab there is no way to recover. Everyone seems to try to say "just pull up your bootstraps and use your willpower" but it doesn't work that way. Kelly didn't want to kill her baby or possibly hurt it by drinking but no one would let her take the time off to get help.

Beau said himself to the husband that he should have let her stay in rehab until she was healed. I think the reason why he took her out early was due to money. And I've seen it before too. "No you can't go to rehab because then who is going to pay the bills?" Well she's not paying the bills if she's dead you butthead.

I think Kelly LOVED being onstage. Alcohol addiction makes a person not want to do what they love sometimes. Mostly due to it being a depressant it makes a person not want to do much of anything. But, again, don't blame the person. It just drink is two then two is three and then you use it to get through the day or ease the pain. Kelly had a lot of pain...once she found the alcohol she used it like many of us do.

I think Kelly loved to be onstage because after her last performance she said, "And that's how it's done." She knew she was great. What person would not want to continue to do what they are fantastic at doing? Someone who needs some true drug rehab and who is not "allowed" to do it.


I agree with you. The way her husband treated her, like I described when he pulled her out of the rehab too early with a drinker as a minder, shows that either he didn't care her or plain didn't understand alcoholism. Even if he was just plain greedy in his relationship to her, getting her some professional help to keep her from drinking on the road would have at least kept her on stage performing.


Of course it does. If these people would just get off their asses and work hard, they would be able to solve their problems. Few people claim that it is easy and can be achieved with no problems at all.

But we know it can be done because it has been done, and by many people at that. Not to mention that they chose to drink in the first place. They have nobody to blame but themselves. I think society has gone way overboard in accommodating them as it is. Nowadays when someone says they are in AA, it is actually quasi-respectable.
