If a popular US singer was drunk at 5 months...
Firstly had no idea what the movie was about before watching it, I liked it and Wow! GP can sing!
If this happened NOW 'in real life' where a famous US singer/celeb fell down stairs and miscarried at 5 months and was found to be over the limit DRUNK and everyone knows it, is is even possible to resurrect a career?
I think they made the Kelly Cantor character hopeless - she couldn't survive the situation they put her in. She could have fallen down the stairs and miscarried at say 5 weeks - bad enough but could be argued she was unaware she was pregnant. A woman that gets drunk at 5 months in my eyes, besides being an alcoholic is a child abuser. There is no way that I would in anyway support that,
Actually the more I think about it, the more I am annoyed that there wasn't more discussion about the baby/Kelly's culpability in the situation.
For movie purposes they should have just made her a drunk that goes to rehab (common place in famous people circles). Why bring up this plot idea if it isn't going to be explored more?
What do others think?