MovieChat Forums > Country Strong (2011) Discussion > 'I don't understand why she got so fragi...

'I don't understand why she got so fragile.'

It's never really explained why Kelly became an alcoholic. Fame may have had something to do with it for sure, but there must have been something else to it.

I think there are a few clues as to why Kelly was messed up. She may have been abused as child. She has a conversation with Chiles Stanton right before the last show, and guessed right that Chiles had been abused as a child by her parents, and they were put in jail. Kelly tells her never ever to keep that from anyone, and tell people about what happened, or it may destroy her.
So it's possible Kelly had also been a victim of child abuse and told absolutely no one about it, not even her own husband. It was eating her up and when she became famous, it only got worse, and she drank to forget everything.


That is an interesting theory. I've never thought of it that way.


That is definitely an interesting theory, I like it. I'm not sure we'll ever know. If there was even a reason behind it.


After reading your post, I agree she had kept something secret. And maybe that short time in rehab helped her accept that she had. She passed on her advice to help Chiles. Your theory is very good, and you leave the door open that she could be a product of her time, everyone controls her. She appeared to have low self esteem, guilt about the miscarriage and probably the affair. I don't think she believed anyone loved her, and she needed that like air. That alone would keep her unstable and always looking for that fix, in my opinion.

A Black Astronaut Cyril!!! That's like killing a Unicorn...Archer


I think once people become famous, they no longer belong to themselves and are now simply a franchise that has replaced what they once loved doing. It's got to be tiring always trying to live up to, and fulfill, everyone else's expectations.

Her drinking is her coping mechanism in a fvcked up world she's found herself in. Everyone wants a piece of her to the point there's nothing left for her to claim for herself anymore. She's lost. You can see her grappling, and possibly regretting, the path she chose when she asked her husband, 'Do you ever think what life would've been like if we stayed in Bristol?'.

It's no wonder so many lose their way and crack under the pressure. Who they were is now replaced by a brand that belongs to everyone but themselves. So, yeah, I agree with that sentiment-love and fame can't coexist in the same space in time.

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~
