a third season?

i certainly hope so..... its wonderful, thought provoking and very addicting.


A third season is reportedly in the works.

http://tbivision.com/news/2012/11/vuguru-eyes-move-into-traditional-tv -production/19711/

That article quotes Vuguru CEO Larry Tanz saying there is a "script in development .... and we're working out how to do season three."


Super! I only watched it (all ) yesterday for the first time and its wonderful. Why isn't Xander Berkeley in everything?

"War is God's way of teaching Americans geography." Ambrose Bierce


They're aiming to make it a regular TV show. Such a show cannot consist of two people sitting at a table, talking. So there will be more action. The result will be something quite different, maybe good, maybe bad, but absolutely not the same show.


I probably won't watch it if they make drastic changes to the format. I like the concept too much as is. The fact that you don't actually see anything happen, but yet you're still engrossed really is the genius of it for me. The show mirrors what it's like to read a novel as closely as you could probably do with this medium. I want more, but again, I hope they decide not to change it too much or lengthen the series (seasons).


I agree about the format. I could swear they've had scenes outside the diners and yet I know it is just my imagination of scenes, which the writing allowed me to have. I don't want that element taken away from the show. Having said that I would like another season.


You are so right. What the clients tell The Man, the descriptions are so vivid that one can "see" them happening.


I hope they don't change the format. It really forces the actors to use things like tone of voice and facial expressions to convey the intensity of the action. We need more of this in TV, not less of it.


They're aiming to make it a regular TV show. Such a show cannot consist of two people sitting at a table, talking.

An 8.3 imdb average rating with 10,000+ voters shows that this statement is simply untrue:

Superb dialogue is action.


To succeed on a regular TV network, a show has to attract millions of viewers. A few thousand fans on Hulu is nothing.


Broadcast tv would destroy the entire premise of the series. The suits who think they know what viewers want would reshape everything to fit in the tiny space of the minds of the mental midgets whose opinions are counted by the Neilsen ratings.


Any updates on this? I really would like to see more! And I agree that tv would destroy this. I would think Netflix or Hulu, I don't know, would pick this up. From the way it's set up (at the moment), it's not like it would be TONS of money, there is very little sets.

Would you like to see my pride and joy?


Great *beep* news about the 3rd season.


Indifference is the essence of inhumanity


"addicting" is the word!
i love this series! i love how it has a single set, and all the action is second-hand, yet it's so engrossing.
i love the thought of a third series, but i hope we never really find out (completely) what is going on. the series is so beautifully metaphysical, but something like that always loses it's magic (for me, at least), once it has been explained.


Second season was quite a big disappointment. For me, at least.
It's clear that the show is trying to expand target audience and it's a very dangerous move. Any changes in such a rare genre will turn the show in different direction, not the one people loved at the beginning.
So, to prevent loosing audience writers will create couple promising-to-solve-mysteries, few cliffhangers, story twists and etc. At the end audience usually gets a big pile of vomit with mad storylines and silly dialogues.
But no one cares, because if people started watching a series - they'll finish it just to know the ending.

After I finished the second season I didn't even care for it. Like it never existed. So I get this complete opposite feeling to what I felt after the first one.


I'm feeling the same way here. I watched the entire 1st season on Netflix in one sitting as I just couldn't stop watching, it was so good and intriguing. Now I'm part of the way through the second and I'm thinking about stopping as I'm losing interest rapidly. It seems to be getting a bit silly as it becomes more about the man than his clients. I loved the mystery of not knowing, and when they make the show more generic they lose that intrigue. They should just stop it while it's good in my opinion.


As long as they keep the tell don't show element up i could care less what they do. I find the main character intriguing and getting an insight into him second season made me care more for him. He is no longer a device, he is a character and that is a smart move for any 2nd season of anything. Can not wait for season 3 i hope it has that gritty and dirty feel it had cinematically and direction wise as it did in season 1.


Season 2 was not as good as season one, but still had me hooked. it has been quite a while since the 2nd series aired...hmmm 3rd series might not happen, which is a shame, in that the story as of now, has no ending/conclusion.

Third series could be great or just *beep*


It is a shame. It seems highly unlikely that we'll ever see a Season 3. My guess would be that either the writers ran up against a brick wall in where to go next with the plot OR the money wasn't there for a Season 3.


In the second season, the writers stopped allowing me, the Man, to flow thru them. Instead, they fell back on familiar plots. As someone here noted, in season one, I, the Man, was a device ... I prefer to say a mirror being held up to you to show you the darkness within your own soul. As I so often told the people who came into my booth with their petty selfish desires, I did't do anything. You did this.

But by season two, the writers replaced me, the Man, with a character they invented, a supernatural being, a devil who you could blame for your sins.


In Season 3 episode 3 the Man wants to know what motivates people, he wants to feel it. Are you saying the Man doesn't actually have such desires?
