How Did Jane End Up With A lot of Vacation Time?
Did she not at all take a vacation? After getting like something like eight weeks of vacation time, four weeks of sick leave. In the finale.
Happy Labor Day!
Did she not at all take a vacation? After getting like something like eight weeks of vacation time, four weeks of sick leave. In the finale.
Happy Labor Day!
Probably not; she always struck me as a workaholic.
sharePolice officers like other government employees accrue leave time and sick leave time. Depending upon the agency/state, it can roll over if unused. Some employers only pay a fraction of unused sick time, which causes employees to misuse it- e.g. use it or lose it.
I agree with the other member- Jane was shown as a workaholic, so she would have accrued a lot of time.
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Sometimes leave/sick time can accrue; depends on the agency.
My dad worked for the US Postal Service. When his time came to retire, he stopped going to work 7 months before his final day, to burn off accrued leave and unused sick leave.
Most people on tv are loser workoholics whose only reason to exist is to work. They don't know how to relax and have a good time. They don't go on vacation to try and experience the World. Work ethic is great but as people; total losers.
shareA few years ago I retired from a government job and I had, after 30 years, what amounted to 7 months of annual leave. I also had close to that in sick leave. My sick leave was converted into health insurance under COBRA, and I was cashed out for my annual leave upon retirement. Needless to say, it was a great parting gift.
The longer you work at a government job the more annual leave you acquire. After a while it becomes hard to use it all.
My mom retired from the school system with several months of sick time. She chose to retire at the end of the first semester because they were about to put a cap on how much of that accrued time you could take. It would have been a 5 figure loss.
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In the show, she is seen to be pretty much constantly working, so us viewers are lead to believe that she's so dedicated to her job that she just doesn't take time off unless she absolutely has to. Twelve combined weeks is a bit of a stretch, but depending on the employer, not impossible. One of my coworkers works at a prison, and after reaching something like 150 hours of PTO, he had capped out and could not accrue any more. My employer simply nullifies any unused PTO when the next fiscal year starts, so it's impossible to accrue more than 1 years-worth of PTO at my employer. However, some employers may simply allow the time to accrue indefinitely, so with many years of service under her belt, if Jane never took any of her PTO, maybe she had been able to save up a few months of time.
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12 weeks isn't really that much of a stretch. It would only take 6 years for 12 weeks of vacation time to build up. Coincidentally the show ran for 6 years. That's not even counting sick days.
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You are apparently using a very specific metric for the accrual of vacation time. Not every employer is the same, so I don't think we can just assume how quickly she accrued PTO. I'm not 100% sure, since my employer changed how PTO is accrued relatively recently, but I think that in one year I can accrue 35 hours of PTO. That's total, the same time is used for vacation, sick time, bereavement, etc. And, as previously stated, our time is reset at the beginning of every fiscal year, so even if I never took any time off, it would be impossible to accrue more than 35 hours of PTO. This is drastically different than being able to save up 12 full weeks of PTO in six years. But then again, I'm not a LEO, so maybe those agencies are more generous than my employer.
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I'm not using any specific metric other than 2 weeks of paid vacation being fairly standard. Also consider that its a government job, albeit a local one, AND a union job at that, so its believable they'd have a fairly sweet deal. Now in point of fact, BPD doesn't allow vacation time to accrue year after year, UNLESS its approved by the commissioner (yeah, I Googled it.) But since Jane has solved so many high profile cases, I'm guessing she wouldn't be unknown to the commissioner, so he'd ok it. LOL
And think about it. This show HAS pulled many things that truly ARE, to put it mildly, a stretch. I just don't think this is one of them.
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When I left one of my jobs I had been at for 7 years I had a lot of unused sick time. I pretty much only used hours for Dr. appts. Shortly after I left they changed the conversion and carry over rule, but I had over a month of paid time when I left