MovieChat Forums > Rizzoli & Isles (2010) Discussion > Jan Nash - Angie/Sasha rift?

Jan Nash - Angie/Sasha rift?

I've read off and on about the problems with Jan Nash turning R&I into The Rizzoli Family Show. Forgive me for not delving deeper into the message boards to find an answer, but IMDB would do wonders of they gave us a search function to do that.

So, I'm just wondering -- is it just Jan Nash screwing with things or is there now a rift between Angie and Sasha? I mean, I see them on screen together and they still seem to do well. But I follow both on Twitter and I don't see either of them tweeting together. Did the whole Jan Nash rehashing of the show cause strife between those two as well.

I can't help but watch and wonder if they just go their separate ways when "Cut!" is yelled. I know we read about different actors and the behind-the-scenes problems on shows of the past -- how such-and-such didn't really get along, how such-and-such was always late on set or causing trouble.

Is the chemistry gone?


Although rumors are rife saying that there are some tensions between Sasha and Angie Harmon behind the scenes in recent times, but they are called rumors or gossip for a reason, they're NOT "facts"...however, I do have to admit that everything SEEMS to suggest that these rumors are "true" at least. Of course that doesn't necessarily prove that these rumors are indeed true, it just SEEMS like it is...considering the fact that both actresses do not pose with each other in photos anymore in recent times, nor do they follow or interact with each other on social media anymore, so it all seems very fishy and suspicious to us more observant viewers who follow them on social media. It's no wonder many fans of the show have been speculating about the state of their relationship behind the scenes and being under the impression that there are some frictions or tensions between these 2 actresses in real-life in recent times...although we still don't know for sure if that's actually a fact. We should not always believe everything we read and see.

It's also possible that Jan Nash's very apparent favoritism towards Jane/Angie may at least be 1 reason for this alleged tension between Sasha and Angie, but again, these are all speculations.
Unless these actresses themselves personally and publicly confirm or state that there's indeed tension or problems between them in reality, otherwise we will never know for sure...and it's doubtful these actresses themselves would directly confirm such rumors.

With that said, I do think they still have quite good on-screen chemistry though...I mean, if you didn't know any better and ignore all the off-screen drama, and just watch the 2 actresses together on-screen on the show, you probably would not see anything wrong between them.


People are always commenting on how the two interact on screen and what they perceive as a change in their demeanor toward one another. I personally do not see it. However, I think people forget that Harmon's marriage was likely on the rocks and perhaps that's why her demeanor changed.


the problem is that this has been going on for a long time now...some fans have noticed that many things changed soon after Lee Thompson Young died...and it's not just the change in showrunner and writers. Some fans have noticed that the behavior and the relationship between Sasha and Angie in general has changed, that things have become "strained" and "icy" between them, they don't seem to interact with each other anymore when the cameras stop rolling.
Angie's marriage problems could be 1 reason...but I mean, this alleged tension between her and Sasha has been going on for a long time...and you would think that marriage problems should bring 2 friends closer together, not pull them apart. I mean, if they were really friends, Sasha would've been more supportive of Angie if her marriage was in trouble, but instead we are seeing the opposite. So Angie's marriage problems is probably not the could be a combination of different reasons why things have changed between Sasha and Angie, we can speculate all we want, but we won't know for sure...heck, we don't even know for sure whether there's actually any problem between these 2 women, it's all just speculations and rumors now.


So Angie's marriage problems is probably not the could be a combination of different reasons why things have changed between Sasha and Angie, we can speculate all we want, but we won't know for sure

Sasha said in interviews, that their lifestyles and circles didn't cross. Besides the set, they never really connected. I don't see any cold interaction, I had the feeling that both acted always warm and professionally.

Angie's family was on the east coast (she didn't wanted to uproot her kids while filming in LA), so she tried to fly home every friday night. As we seen with other off set actor groups (like the cute Grimm cast), spending the weekends sometimes together helps a lot in terms of screen presence.

The fact is, that R&A was very expensive to shoot. It wasn't shot in Canada or one of the cheap places like Chicago. It had a good run, but in the end it lost lots of viewers. Going from a 2.1 rating to 0.6 is enough to stop producing it.

Some people claim the show lost its nerve when Lee Thompson died, but I think it was earlier, that the cases got more "run of the mill" and the family drama took over. Not so many people where fond of that change.


Sasha said in interviews, that their lifestyles and circles didn't cross. Besides the set, they never really connected. I don't see any cold interaction, I had the feeling that both acted always warm and professionally.

that's true though, I do remember Sasha saying something along those lines during an old interview.

The reason why many fans have been speculating about this rift between them is mainly due to the fact that they don't appear or pose in the same photos anymore, nor to they post photos with each other or mention each other on their social media pages. Whereas in the past, they both appeared and posed in the same photos together many times before and would follow each other on social media, they would talk about each other a lot in past interviews, and seemed to interact more warmly together. But in recent years, people have noticed that the relationship between Sasha and Angie behind the scenes have seemed to become more frosty, like they seem to be 'avoiding' each other when they're not filming nowadays...they don't take photos with each other anymore, nor do they mention each other on their social media pages, and they don't mention each other very much in recent interviews.
But as I said before, this tension or rift between them is all just rumor and speculation.

The fact is, that R&A was very expensive to shoot. It wasn't shot in Canada or one of the cheap places like Chicago. It had a good run, but in the end it lost lots of viewers. Going from a 2.1 rating to 0.6 is enough to stop producing it.

Some people claim the show lost its nerve when Lee Thompson died, but I think it was earlier, that the cases got more "run of the mill" and the family drama took over. Not so many people where fond of that change.

It's true that this show had lost a lot of viewers, the ratings were dropping even before Lee Thompson Young died...but many people think the quality of the show overall became a lot worse once Jan Nash had taken over as showrunner and the writers were replaced with new ones, and this happened after Young died. Furthermore, the show's ratings started to fall below 1.0 in the all important 18-49 demo after Young's death.


I noticed that too. I follow both of them on Instagram and any posts related to the show didn't include any of them. I mean Sasha was never mentioned by Angie and vice versa.

I agree that when you watch the show you can't tell if there's any problems between them. Their chemistry is still there! There are scenes where Maura is laughing because of Jane's sarcastic comments and that smile on Sasha's face is genuine.

However there was one scene which I think if it was shot in the first seasons it would have been different. In the episode when a guy tried to kill Sasha (after he ran her off the road and got her injured) in order to take some papers from her, Jane and Korsak arrest the guy and after that, I would normally expect Jane to hug Maura. But she was like "are you ok? Let's go". I mean she would say that to any other victim but not to Maura.


Forgive me for not delving deeper into the message boards to find an answer, but IMDB would do wonders of they gave us a search function to do that.

Amazing isn't it? How the IMDb can't provide a simple feature that is present on virtually every other forum on the net. Requesting a search function usually goes like this;

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You can see the history of your posts by clicking on your screen name. I do wish that we could get notified if someone comments on a post.


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