MovieChat Forums > The Last Stand (2013) Discussion > All that when he could have just taken a...

All that when he could have just taken a plane

First and foremost, this is a stupid movie. There were a couple of funny lines and a couple of the action scenes were effective.

But if the guy just took a freaking plane or a helicopter he's chilling in Mexico drinking a margarita right now.

Oh, and he would have run out of gas anyway.

Dumb movie.


Missed the part where the movie spoonfed you information about the badguys racing background, did you? The guy was clearly testing himself, as well as escaping.

Don`t think it was the movie that was dumb, in this case...


Oh, so you think it was smart to drive through dozens of cops, federal officers, sheriffs, etc. instead of just getting out of the country first?

No wonder you liked the film, it was at your level.



Exactly, these are simple plot points, and if he did take a plane or hilo they would have shot it down with or without a hostage(you know cause of terrorism).


Did we really need to see him stop for gas? Or could we just assume he did?


Wasn't it also mentioned that he was driving so fast it was faster than some aircraft could travel?


Yes, the guy who identified the car said he was going faster than a helicopter could. Which is BS.

Death to shakeycam directors!


Nope. That's correct. Most helicopters fly at around 125-150MPH. Even an Apache gunship is only about 175MPH.

And the problem with taking a plane is that there's an awful lot of US fighters that are a whole lot faster than any bizjet out there. The fastest is a Gulfstream G650 that does .925 Mach; an F-16 can do Mach 2, an F-15 can do Mach 2.5.

So when the fighter can fly 1.5 times faster than you, it's damn hard to outrun them.

Oh, and he'd have to cough up 65 million for the G.

