MovieChat Forums > The Last Stand (2013) Discussion > Arnold is still the Terminator

Arnold is still the Terminator

Just watched the movies and I have to say the ending its a little bit ridiculous.
Hes legs get stabbed and cut by a knife, a big piece of glass gets stuck in hes leg and at the end medics take care of johnny knoxville's minor injury while Arnold walks normal into the restaurant like nothing has happened.


oh well...

He also gave the bad guy a complete beating....a la Bennett from Commando...

and that dude kept getting up, just like Bennett.

Its a fun action movie. Enjoy it.


I thought about the Terminator when he was firing that shotgun over and over into that car. It would've been really Terminator-ish if he had picked up the big machine gun and held it as he shot it. Like the gatlin gun in T2.

Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!


He is the Penetrator. Sadly that movie will be his only masterpiece. The man is a terrible actinator, terrible governator, and terrible husbinator. This movie, though watchable is subpar to his past work.

Use the Force.


> The man is a terrible actinator, terrible governator, and terrible husbinator.

I agree with you zero times out of three. Hollywood, California, and America all need more men like Ahnuld.
