You can tell that this script was written by an L.A. screenwriter
When Johnny Knoxville fires his S&W Model 500 handgun, the first thing the sheriff asks is "Do you have a permit for that?"
This is America. IN 99% of America (except for the Socialist strongholds like NYC, et. al) you don't need a PERMIT to own a simple handgun. Despite it being a large caliber gun, the S&W Model 500 is still just a large revolver. It is not restricted like a 'machine gun'.
Also Knoxville's character is in a town in the state of New Mexico. NM is nothing like California. Unlike California, New Mexico doesn't restrict anything. Assault rifles, full autos (with fed tax stamp) are all kosher. There is NO registration of anything and you can carry open while loaded.
I despise it when movie scripts assume that all states have the same idiotic laws as California. Unless, of course, that is the point. To make strict regulation seem like "the norm" rather than the exception.
Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.share