MovieChat Forums > The Last Stand (2013) Discussion > You can tell that this script was writte...

You can tell that this script was written by an L.A. screenwriter

When Johnny Knoxville fires his S&W Model 500 handgun, the first thing the sheriff asks is "Do you have a permit for that?"

This is America. IN 99% of America (except for the Socialist strongholds like NYC, et. al) you don't need a PERMIT to own a simple handgun. Despite it being a large caliber gun, the S&W Model 500 is still just a large revolver. It is not restricted like a 'machine gun'.

Also Knoxville's character is in a town in the state of New Mexico. NM is nothing like California. Unlike California, New Mexico doesn't restrict anything. Assault rifles, full autos (with fed tax stamp) are all kosher. There is NO registration of anything and you can carry open while loaded.

I despise it when movie scripts assume that all states have the same idiotic laws as California. Unless, of course, that is the point. To make strict regulation seem like "the norm" rather than the exception.

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


Ray seemed to be pretty strict in the sense that he didn't want trouble in his quiet little town. So yeah, I guess asking for a permit wouldn't be too far-fetched.


It is far fetched if you reside in a state which does not require permits of any kind, at least for any Title 1 Firearm (handgun, rifle, shotgun .... Not anti aircraft guns, howitzers, etc.) The Sheriff is required to know the law in his jurisdiction. To not know his own laws, reduces confidence in the sheriff's professional qualifications. :D

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


And he showed him a concealed carry permit for what seemed to be an open-carried pistol he had on his own property.

Death to shakeycam directors!


The movie took place in Arizona. Not New Mexico.


Arizona is less strict than New Mexico and most other states. Anyone with an arsenal like the well armed character would know the laws and he would know the sheriff knew the laws. No, it's Hollywood gun law ignorance as usual.


It was in Az, but same deal. I live in Arizona and people walk around with guns in holsters on their hips here. It's pretty funny.


New Mexico doesn't restrict anything. Assault rifles, full autos (with fed tax stamp) are all kosher. There is NO registration of anything and you can carry open while loaded.

That is....really terrifying.


Why would that be? You must know that New Mexico doesn't have the CRIME, murders, rapes or other violent crimes that places with strict gun control have (like California, New York, Chicago IL, Washington DC).

So what exactly is terrifying, other than your apparent irrational fear of guns?

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


You must know that New Mexico doesn't have the CRIME, murders, rapes or other violent crimes that places with strict gun control have

That's a load of horse crap and you know it. They might have much fewer instances of crime, but that's only because it's a much smaller state (two million vs. California's 38 million people).


No, you're the one with the horse manure problem. Stats go by Per Capita. I can explain it to you but you'd only be confused :D

Hint: Per Capita is the percentage relative to population. It's not an absolute number.

There. you learned something :D

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


Keep shoveling your crap. In violent crimes 1 per 100,000 population statistics New Mexico is consistently higher on the lists than California or New York. And you were saying?


Why are some Americans so obsessive and passionate about their guns? What do you need them for? What are you so afraid of?


Yeah, that line took me out of the movie. It's such typical, cliche liberal'd think Arnold would have pointed it out to them when he saw the script. (He's a bit liberal himself, but he was a Republican governor after all.)


LOL. Cheeky devil. Don't have to be silly about it. People point out errors ALL the time in movies, big AND small. This error is akin to stating that the drinking age in California is 18 yrs (it's actually 21). Is it major? No. But anyone who knew differently would SNORT at it. ;) Cheers :D

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


NYC is a Socialist stronghold? NYC is literally, no joke, the least socialist place in the entire universe. You obviously have no understanding of socialism or New York city.
Secondly the laws in NYC and California regarding guns are not idiotic, you'll find that there are higher levels of educated people in those areas, so their laws are by and large more intelligent than in the remaining states.
You seem to be against gun control laws. The prevalence of people walking around with guns only leads to greater risk of innocent people being killed. Yeah, it might make YOU feel more safe on a personal level but at the expense of society at large. It's not idiots making these laws but people who see the big picture.


Keep telling yourself that Dave. Frankly I have never read a post so 'out of touch with reality', except out of a "gun control group pamphlet' and their job IS to spin things to their benefit. Wow.

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.
