Can someone really bleed out from their finger?
shareThe short answer is no. However the long answer is, it's possible that he passed out due to blood loss and shock. Then later actually died from hypothermia. That is still a long shot though considering how he was dressed, he was in a hole that sheltered him from the wind, and from what I observed in the movie it wasn't even cold enough for the water to be frozen.
Bleeding out from a severed finger or two is highly unlikely unless he was on some strong blood thinners or had a disease that effected the rate at which his blood clotted. There are small vains and arteries in the fingers but one of your bodies natural responses to a severed blood vessel is that the end will become swollen and retract into the tissue. This is to help cut down on blood loss until it clots itself off. Believe it or not but the psychological stress of having a fingered severed is harder on the body than the physical stress is.
I called BS at this part also. He most likely would have passed out for 30-60 minutes and then woke up a cold and tired. Of course he most likely wouldn't have had the strength to dig a body sized four foot deep hole to begin with.
I never understood why he tried hiding the girl to begin with. He didn't know about the money yet so greed or financial security wasn't an issue yet. Although I know he has been in trouble for poaching they are unlikely to care about poaching charges considering the circumstances. Even though he has been in trouble for poaching that's enough in my opinion for someone to want to avoid the law altogether. To say he panicked is not really accurate considering he took time to find out were she was living and go through all of her things. I just couldn't see the motivation for it.
As others have pointed out, at the start of the movie he cuts himself on some rusted barbed wire. Several days later that could easily have led to septic shock, even if the cut finger didn't.
I doubt it, he never displayed any signs or symptoms. The movie never gave us any audio or visual clues that he had developed an infection. Also don't forget about tetanus (lockjaw), but once again, no audio or visual clues.
If septic shock was something they were going for they did a piss poor job of getting that across. A simple visual clue would be to show the infected cut leaking puss, swollen, or/and very painful. A simple audio would have been to have him complain to someone about it. Since I saw none of these I would say no to the septic shock ideal.
To me, the relevance of getting poked on the the rusty barbed wire was more metaphorical. It represented the moment in time in which his life took a turn for the worse, never to get better.