Is it just a coincidence that Sam Rockwell's character is "John Moon"?
Is it just a coincidence that Sam Rockwell's character is "John Moon"?
i thought of that too!
shareI'm not sure, but for what its worth, the first rendition of the script said his name was John Iron Man 2.
shareI see. Hmmm, I think I may have spoken too soon. Let's see, a cursory peek at Sam Rockwell's filmography turns up 'Box of Moon Light' and '13 Moons' in addition to the John Moon character and, of course, 'Moon' - I believe the OP may have exposed some kind of insider funny business easter eggy cutesy stuff or perhaps an Illuminati conspiracy of gargantuan proportions and dire consequences. I'll try to do a little research and get back to us on this. If I'm not rubbed out.
shareIt's well known Sam Rockwell is a huge fan of astrology and requires film makers to put something moon related in all of them in order to accept a role.
shareSo true! Directer Duncan Jones wanted Rockwell to star in the sci-fi drama Mars though Rockwell insisted the title be changed to Moon. The final result was OK but lacking. I mean the Moon is pretty boring compared to Mars.
"He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator."
Strangely enough, one of the villains in Mr. Right (2015) was named Johnny Moon. I thought it was a mere coincidence at first, until realizing it was a reference to Rockwell's character in A Single Shot.