MovieChat Forums > Oppenheimer (2023) Discussion > An Irish Actor Playing Oppenheimer Prove...

An Irish Actor Playing Oppenheimer Proves Once Again That Jews Don't Count

When it comes to casting, should it matter that Oppenheimer was a non-observant Jew, a Jew who essentially denounced his Jewish identity? It should not. Judaism is an ethnoreligion. We are a religion, we are a people, we are an ethnicity. Jews originated in the Levant. There are varying degrees of religious observance. But when it comes to one's ethnic identity, there is no litmus test for how Jewish one is.

If Hollywood continues its robust commitment to diversity—and it absolutely should—then it needs to acknowledge Jewish people are an ethnicity. We are a people, we are a nationality, with a lineage that can be traced back to a very specific geographic location in the world. And, as is the case with every other ethnic minority portrayed in TV and film, Jews deserve real, nuanced, accurate representation. Otherwise, Hollywood's myriad endeavors in the diversity equity and inclusion space is a mere exercise in hypocrisy.

Ultimately, casting non-Jews in the roles of Jews reduces the relatability and believability of a performance, not only for Jewish audiences but for anybody who values the importance of authenticity in cinema.


This Jew has no problem with that.
Talent matters in art, not ethnicity.


Big yawn from me. I'll bet you have no problem with a Jew playing a non-Jew. So STFU.


I'm not the author if you mean me. I do not agree with her.

It doesn't even make much sense to demand that a Jew play a Jew if one labels Jewishness by genetics or race as she does since Ashkenazi Jews are Caucasian and have European admixture too. Should it be a person who looks like some Jewish charicature to warrant the "believability" that it's a Jew? Otherwise, if the Jewish actor doesn't have a stereotypical Jewish look, then why does it even matter?


Alright, thanks for clarifying. My "SFTU" is aimed at the author. But really, why just post some race baiting b.s. like that you don't agree with and make no comment?



Your response to agentalbert makes it sound like you disagree with the point of the article. Why did you start a thread here for an article you disagree with?


So that people can either change my mind or debunk it with more arguments than I have. Ever heard of playing the 'devil's advocate'?


You posted the article without any comment about it. If you post an article without any comment about it then everyone's natural assumption will be that you agree with the article. Look at your title for the thread. It's a statement of opinion. Everyone reading that title will assume it's your opinion. If you actually disagree with that opinion, you're just playing devil's advocate with it or you doubt whether it's really right then you should reword the thread title in the form of a question.


Yeah, you make a point, but to be frank, I thought this article was so silly that it would kind of go without saying that I or probably most people wouldn't agree with it. So I figured I didn't need to comment on it as it would read between the lines. My bad in misjudging that everyone would get that, I guess.


Jewish people won't be able to make much progress towards fair representation in Hollywood when they can't even get cast playing a Jewish character.


So Jews don't count in Hollywood, is that what this rant is about?


They count money! (I kid, I kid...)


An actor is playing a role. That's all there should be to it.


So what you are saying is that Hitler was right all along. Thank You.


Hitler was a Jew !


You must be reeeeaaaaaaly high on some quality weed.


This only works with blacks.


Blacks aren't the only underrepresented group in Hollywood!


blacks are "under represented"? You couldn't prove it by any of the movies or TV shows made in the last ten years. Besides that, I don't think "representation" was the topic, I think its more appropriation. Non Jews can't play Jews in movies.


What did you mean by "this only works with blacks"?


And they wonder why people hate them.


Jewenheimer !
