upset with thia movie

I really hope that the next movie follows along with the book better. I was so very upset with this first movie I was really looking forward to it and then after watching it felt cheated.


There most likely won't be another movie. Although there are a few of us that did enjoy the movie. Money wise they barely made their budget back so it wouldn't be in their interest to keep going.
P. S. They could have done a lot better, but I'm glad I got to see it come to live


To life*


Not a confirmation yet. But a couple more people added to the COA site here the other day.I think they got some word of the startup. Lena Headey. Her and Sigorney Weaver don't seem the such as to put there names on something that wasn't going to happen.


I don't get how it can be faithful since they changed crucial bits from the first one that will affect later (possible) adaptations.

I would always rather be happy than dignified.
