This was not a bad film, just came out at the wrong time. I think the sequels have a chance, please ptb, don't give up on them.
shareThis was not a bad film, just came out at the wrong time. I think the sequels have a chance, please ptb, don't give up on them.
shareToo much was changed so any sequels have to be vastly changed from the source material, just to connect with the first one. Look at Percy Jackson.
I would always rather be happy than dignified.
Percy jackson actually did a great job with fixing its material for the sequel. The remaining movies can actually follow the books fairly closely minus the age. I personally found it had better continuity than the Harry Potter films, of which I am actually surprised more people are not angry at them for changing so much in the Potters.
sharePercy jackson actually did a great job with fixing its material for the sequel.
I find that hard to believe since there were still complaints, plot holes and inconsistencies in regards to the book AND the first movie.
I can't make comparisons since I'm not into the Percy Jackson fandom, I'm only telling you what I heard.
books and movies WILL NEVER b the exact same. What I personally do not get is y people r fine with them completely changing the story for comic book movies, going so far as to the first X-Men film being considered (one of) the best, and being its own original story, with its sequels following the comics more closely, but not for novels when there is a lot of potential with doing that.
I am actually working on a script for Titan's Curses' movie, and think that you should give it a chance and see what I have to say with it.
I can't make comparisons since I'm not into the Percy Jackson fandom, I'm only telling you what I heard.
Yes, they will never be exactly the same, word-for-word, scene-for-scene but that does not mean they should change things and add pointless scenes. I have seen this excuse constantly and I see it as a cop out to why they can't keep scenes from the book but have no problem adding pointless scenes.
I don't get how. It's alright been said by Logan Lerman that there will be no more Percy Jackson films and the actors are already too old looking. And as I've said, I'm not into Percy Jackson so what does your script matter to me?
In either case you have no authority to make this statement because you have not experienced it, and may in fact be wrong. Its reasonable that u r going by what u have heard, but it may not in fact be true. In any case it is hoped that you can at least share what i have said here to those fans for them to at least consider.
Some scenes just do not make sense on film.
Marc Guggenheim: He’s off on a quest to find the Golden Fleece, and he only interacts with Percy via this telepathic connection that the two of them have. That’s something that can really only work in a novel. It’s very hard to make that work in a motion picture.
And would u care to give me some examples of "pointless" scenes you've seen in book adaptation films if it would not be too much to ask.
Heck, I have found that several books had pointless scenes themselves, like the fact that it takes 30 pages to describe Saphira's entrance into the Varden in the Eragon book.
About you not into Percy Jackson, well how was i supposed to know that until you said that in the same comment that you first told me about it?
If a majority of the fanbase thinks the same thing, It's fact. Just like a majority of fans thought Vampire Academy was terrible and it failed miserably, I agree with them and I have read ALL the VA books prior
1. A telepathy link CAN work in motion picture, That was one of the few things Vampire Academy got right. The Host also did a good job of a alien still being able to talk to the human whose body she was preoccupying. He sounds like he didn't even try to make it work.
2. Also according to the interview, he deviated for the sake of deviating.
In a way, I'd agree. But there are times that things CAN work with a little effort instead of just giving up on the spot.
[Twilight made pointless changes like Jacob telling Bella only a little about the Cullens and her figuring out the rest from a few words in a book, "Cold Ones." What was the point of the book if she was just gonna read two measly words?
Vampire Academy was pointless with the stupid Stiogoi dream scene since it was nothing more than shock value and as if we didn't get enough of Strigoi so far at that point, Dimitri kicking a piece of ceiling molding at Victor to stop him? Not only was that pointless, it was hilariously bad. Having Natalie licking the wall or going on about how she wants Ray, again, is pointless. I thought that the whole Rose trying to found out about Ms. Karp would be an okay change but when I saw the movie, I realized it was super pointless and dragging endlessly and It made Rose come off as dumb compared to the book.
I also didn't understand the point of changing that the accident was one year ago and that Rose and Lissa were on the run another year after. I thought they were in hiding for two years. Also why did Dimitri beat up his Moroi dad when he was ten when he was actually thirteen? POINTLESS. [quote]
1) How is that pointless? As memory serves that/something similar happened in the book. If nothing else it shows what can happen with researching,/making connections among things and made for a very informative sequence. As well, would u/Bella REALLY believe/jump to such a conclusion from just being TOLD that? There needs to be more evidence than it just being a local legend.
Having learned all of that from Jacob would have just made for a very clunky and fast sequence that would have ruined the flow and structure of the film. The research part is a great visual representation of the discovery of the Vampire world. Very contemporary too may I add. Jacob is actually not supposed to actually be saying ANYTHING about the supernatural world anyways, so it makes it more realistic and relatable, again adding on a mystery element that proceeds the story along
2) The Strogi scene was actually a great visual repsentatin of the fear and main conflict of the film, on a par with Woody's nightmare in Toy Story 2. It was so unpredictable the first time you see it, very cinematic of the fears and thoughts of the characters.
How was Dimitri kicking the piece of mould pointless? Its part of the battle and action, would u not do the same if u were in that situation to distract him?
Natatlie talking about Ray is HER story, her role in the movie, what she wants, it is a high school/ teen movie after all. And here you complain that some things that have worked b4 were cut. She had to lick the wall to find out what kind of vampires they were.
How is Rose dumb for trying to find Ms. Karp, a weird, mysterious teacher who kept popping up, and who would very well represent what could happen to Rose herself or Lissa.
Changing the timeline and age has no effect on the story. making the age younger just shows how good of a warrior Dimitri is, and I mean its kinda pointless that he waited till he was older if he knew his dad was sooo bad right? Them being on the run for a long time makes more sense as it adds more weight to them not wanting to b back there and them being wanted to be found.
[quote]Author Richelle Mead also acknowledged that there were scenes in the VA series that she was surprised didn't get cut by the editor such as the Christian making Bread (or was it Meatloaf?) scene.
Eragon has other problems besides that or so I've heard.
[You never asked, since I give no indication about whether or not I was a Percy Jackson fan, you could have, at least, asked.
How was Dimitri kicking the piece of mould pointless? Its part of the battle and action, would u not do the same if u were in that situation to distract him?
Changing the timeline and age has no effect on the story. making the age younger just shows how good of a warrior Dimitri is, and I mean its kinda pointless that he waited till he was older if he knew his dad was sooo bad right?
Natatlie talking about Ray is HER story, her role in the movie, what she wants, it is a high school/ teen movie after all. And here you complain that some things that have worked b4 were cut. She had to lick the wall to find out what kind of vampires they were.
I have no idea what scene you are talking about. Having seen VA many times, I do not remember that scene at all.
Whenever people get upset about humor in the VA movie, I always think, "Do you not remember that there's a whole scene in Shadow Kiss revolving around a vampire making bacon-wrapped meatloaf?" Honestly, I'm kind of surprised my editor originally let this stay in the book, but I'm so glad it did.