I haven't read the books yet but I was wondering if Simon's vampire bites were something that they go back to in the books and if anything happens with that...? In the movie after they rescued him, they put Clary's focus on his neck where the marks were visible... It didn't develop into anything more than that and it'sjust moved on... Is he affected by it later?
hi, yes the vampire bite becomes a major thing in the remaining books. you should read the books, they offer a lot more info that got squished in the movie--plus they're a fun read. the movie made a lot of assumptions about the audience having already read the books & it hurt the story. the story, fingers crossed, will be treated better in the upcoming tv series....
Thank you so much! I've been on the fence about buying them but now I can't wait... I usually shy away from it because whenever I read the books, normally it ruins the movie for me. Books with the passion and intensity movies just can't compare with the them and I actually didn't think the movie was bad and reading all the reviews... Well I didn't want to hate it after but... I'm dying to read them. I appreciate your help :)
Sweet! I enjoyed the movie but it's just been so disappointing that they didn't follow it up with the remaining story.. Especially when they focused on dudes neck?! I thought they gave it that moment in the film because it was going to develop into more... Not leave me hanging! Lol... I read the reviews and I get and completely understand a lot of people were upset with how it went down and straying from how the book went with the authors vision maybe and then seeing it come to life through the producers eyes in their own interpretation but to each their own. How the movie was ended, I definately think it needed closure by doing another!- Like when they did the Movie, Eragon and just left everything up in the air... If so unsatisfied I don't get why not do a remak and start over... Yes a big chance with these movies supposedly bombing compared to what others make but it definately has an audience. anyhoooo.. Hoping the show is great and can't wait to see who is cast
Agreed, There seemed to be an awful lot of loose ends to narrative threads in this film. A similar situation applied in the film Jumper, where again stuff was left unexplored and under explained supposedly for a sequel that never occurred, because of poor box office returns.🐭
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