Beyond terrible.

After a decent opening 15 minutes this film gets worse and worse every minute. It becomes laughable and embarrassing by the end. Nothing works. The dialogue, the direction, the music. Pathetic if this is considered good in Australia. At least you got koalas.


Beyond awful indeed. Started out promising then clearly devolved into a superhuman versus superidiots shootout, except of course... No one actually wants jimmy dead because they take every opportunity to shoot him and use it not to shoot him. The team's rooftop sniper, lets wait until he gets really close, and let me move into the light so jimmy can see me before i do anything. The snitch in the bar, let me try to play hide and seek instead of shooting him while is breaking through the glass, or getting some coins, or looking at the jukebox, or when he was outside on the horse. Count the number of times he cocks his shotgun, for all those times he was essentially unarmed yet no one bothered to shoot him then. And when one did, he missed all six times from 10 feet away. Also, they tried to sneak up on him... By walking down the middle of the lighted main road. Also, Cooper insisted on carrying a giant dead wimp on his back whenever possible.

By halfway in the movie, I was hoping Jimmy would help mankind by ending those idiot gene carriers.

I've been rooting for Jimmy since



Its a crime film with magic realist elements.
