Woke as hell! Ugh.
It had some funny moments, and overall it was entertaining enough, but it was basically a bunch of D-list critics and actors (except for Andie MacDowell, Robert England, Andrew Garfield, and a few others) talking about movie clichés that offend them.
“The villain being disfigured and presented as evil is insensitive to people who have those disfigurements” type of statements were all through this. I wanted to facepalm several times while watching this, listening to some of these morons speak.
They were offended by the “white savior” cliché, and they were offended by “the magical negro” cliché…I mean what do these people want in a movie in regards to race? They don’t want black people helping white people, and they don’t want white people helping black people. They seem confused.
The documentary is at its best when it talks about the standard clichés like the “jump scare”, or the “car that won’t start”…that stuff was fun.
This is a perfect documentary to describe how people are in 2021. That’s the main takeaway I have after watching this…that so many people now are just complete woke snobs that are hard to even listen to with their constant lectures and perpetual ability to be offended by damn near anything.